UPDATES: OSMF Membership Drive Campaign 2024

Hi community,

opening this thread to provide updates re: OSMF Membership Drive Campaign 2024

OSM Wiki of the Plan is here: OSMF Membership Drive 2024 - OpenStreetMap Wiki

first volunteers meetup

After a successful and overwhelming response on the Call for Volunteers, we held our first volunteers meetup last 3 Feb and had a brief overview about the OSMF, OSMF membership and the opportunities to grow and diversify the OSMF Membership.

We had a consensus to use WhatsApp chat to coordinate, and provide updates via Community Forum and OSM Wiki.

team leads meetup

On 7 Feb, I met with the team leads of the 2 volunteer team (mapmakers/visual comms designer team and campaigner team): @ENGELBERT_MODO @Kateregga1 and @PRISCOVIA12 to set expectations and brainstorm how we can better mobilize our teams.

update as of 14 Feb

I went into a break last weekend and is now working on it again I updated the OSM wikipage OSMF Membership Drive 2024 - OpenStreetMap Wiki (shoutout to Geoff for creating it!):

  • updated timeline: membership campaign to run March to May; with retro in June
  • mino formatting
  • updated names of team leads

What’s next?

  1. Planning to have another volunteers meet this weekend (17 Feb) to align; hope for attendance from team leads and optionally team members!
  2. Start preparing pubmats and designs in the next 2 weeks cc @ENGELBERT_MODO
  3. Prep campaign and hope to launch early March!

That’s all for now, we will update this thread as necessary. Thanks for reading!

on behalf of OSMF Membership Drive Campaign Volunteers Team

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wrote a diary for updates arnalielsewhere's Diary | OSMF Membership Drive Campaign 2024 - Planning and Volunteers meetup! | OpenStreetMap

2nd Volunteers meetup this sat, 17 Feb at 09:00 UTC. Everyone welcome to join!


  1. Hello and Welcome
  2. Review: OSMF and the Membership Drive
  3. Timelines
  4. Breakout room per team:
  • meet your team
  • Expectation Settings
  • Brainstorming
  1. Synthesis and questions
  2. Any Other Business (AOB)
  3. Actions and next steps
  • launch and next meeting

Hi everyone! To prepare you for our session tomorrow (17 Feb 2024), just want to give an overview of the program.

  1. We’ll start by hi and hello’s and having an overview of the membership drive plan (advanced reading here: OSMF Membership Drive 2024 - OpenStreetMap Wiki

  2. ⁠we will have breakout rooms to brainstorm per team and collect ideas (2-3 people depending how many)

  3. We will convene again and go to 2 breakouts (mapmakers/visual comms room and campaign ambassadors room) to analyse and synthesize ideas from first breakout

  4. ⁠we will go back and share our ideas and discuss as large group our collective plan

  5. ⁠synthesis and next steps

So please do bring your creative juices!! See you tomorrow :dizzy:

2nd volunteers meet up last Sat!


  • more than 15 volunteers participated
  • 0ne hour session turned one hour, 40 minutes :exploding_head:
  • We brainstormed ideas and come up with plans on how to implement the campaign :thinking:
  • breakout sessions work to have more in-depth discussions within the group :door:
  • not enough time, sessions like this could be best to have minimum 2hours :timer_clock:
  • everyone was so enthusiastic! about 90% stayed after the one hour mark :dizzy:

Next steps:

  • team leads to meet with their group to further plan activities
  • members to write OSM diary about the session and their key takeaways
  • Arnalie to synthesize and update osm wikipages and community forum
  • Arnalie to review support needed raised by the volunteers and address accordingly
  • DONE Arnalie to send cal invite for monthly meet, and bi-weekly meet with team leads


We will have the campaign launch in 12 March!

Join us for the March Volunteers Meetup this Saturday, 9 March if you want to help out! OSMF Membership Drive - March Volunteers Meetup | OpenStreetMap Calendar

See you!

Short meeting today! Shoutout to all openstreetmap rock stars who made it to the Foundation Membership Drive Campaign Volunteers Meetup despite of all the events and tiredness from the past week! Also acknowledging the contributors who worked in the background. :heart_on_fire::world_map:

Mark :spiral_calendar:: 12 March :rocket:

Hi all, there will be no volunteers meetup this month but we invite you to attend the OSMF Membership Campaign Webinar (in English)!

Register: Meeting Registration - Zoom

Please help us share and invite OSM contributors and communities!

13th April 12:00 (Etc/UTC)

Join us for a webinar / panel discussion touching on OSMF membership overview, experiences, challenges and opportunities.

This is part of the OSMF Membership Campaign 2024.

The event will be held in Zoom. Register here to get your unique link (make sure you enter correct email address): Meeting Registration - Zoom


Comment devenir membre Ă  Foundation member? :thinking:

Rejoingnez-nous le 11 MAI, 12:00 UTC avec un panel de discussion sur le partage d’experiences :speech_balloon:, presentation des opportunites dĂ©fis et strategies :rocket:, afin de combler les lacunes dans la reprĂ©sentation mondiale :globe_with_meridians:.

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