To all country-specific subforum moderators

There is a new pinned and closed topic (in English) about the recent waves of vandalism that help newcomers in understanding the situation.

That one can be found here: Have you spotted vandalism on

It would be great if you can translate that topic into the native language of your subforum and then pin and close that translated topic in your subforum.

(Easiest way of translating is probably using the MS Bing translator (globe symbol here in the forum under the post) or use DeepL Translate: The world's most accurate translator translation and correcting/optimizing that automatic translation.)

Example from the French community: Que faire en cas de vandalisme? - Hors catégories - Forum OSM France (they have their own forum in France and not a community here).

And from the German community: UPDATE (13.06.2024): Neue Vandalismuswelle - Straßen kreuz und quer, teilweise Namen geändert (that was the starting point for this helpful Q&A about the vandalism, thank you @Mammi71 for the original post in German and @0xb7767000 for the English translation).

Edit: Spain is following, thank you @aTarom : Has localizado vandalismo en

Edit2: and if your local community uses rather different communication platforms (discord, telegram, irc, matrix, whatever): post links or translations there, e.g. the way the Russian community did here: Telegram: Contact @ruosm

Edit3: Italy is in as well: Hai scoperto atti di vandalismo su thank you @dieterdreist

Edit4: Nederland is following as well, Thank you @Willem1 for the translation: Vandalisme op OSM - #35 by Willem1 It would be a good idea if some moderator from the Nederland forum could maybe convert that post into a own topic to be pinned and closed (and use the vandalisme-op-osm thread as a discussion thread?) Thank you.

Edit5: Korea is following as well: Openstreetmap.org에서 반달리즘을 발견하셨나요? - thank you @LuxuryCoop

Edit6: Danmark is in as well, thank you @Lostmonkey : Bølge af vandalisme på

Edit7: Magyarország as well, köszönöm szépen @grin : Vandalizmust láttál az

Edit8: now in Hebrew as well, thank you @zstadler : ראית וונדליזם ב

This would ease the communication burden at the DWG and help people to understand what is going on if they do not speak English.

(You do not have to be a moderator to translate, everyone can do that. Only for pinning and closing a topic in a subforum a moderator of that subforum would be needed.)

Thank you for your help.


by the way, are there stats how many nodes and ways had been involved in these recent acts?