Search for translation German > English for a small "loader wagon" in mining

Hello @ all!

:exclamation: For finding a tag for the description of this certain type of exhibited historical mining equipment,


I am missing a meaningful and generally valid term, which I cannot find in any way.

I have therefore been looking for a “correct” translation for such “miniature wagons” for several hours. In Germany these vehicles(?) are called “Lore” or “Hunt”. Unfortunately, the fact that these words are common even in English (lore = Überlieferung, hunt = Jagd) is already a problem.

But also the many terms and paraphrases/variants used in the German language (Grubenlore, Förderwagen, Bergbauhunt, etc.) drive me to madness! :crazy_face:

Even the use of various search terms for words and images and also various translators and dictionaries have not helped, but only countless, for me not plausible suggestions, such as (in addition to the pictures shown below) “Conveyor trolley”, “Minecart”, “Railcart”, “Sledge” and so on, but no clear formulation.

(found as: Coal mine trolley)

(found as: Tipper wagon)

:question: Is there a native speaker who can give me the correct English term (or at least an umbrella term) for this?

Many thanks in advance! :pray:t2:


I would call that a minecart. Minecart - Wikipedia

Perhaps that works? I suspect the specifics of the cart lead to all kinds of interesting names but I think of minecart as an umbrella term.


I would describe them as minecarts, but the specific “dumper” function that they all share makes me think you may want a more specific name.

This wouldn’t apply to ones for more general use like the narrowgauge railways used for tourist though.


there are several of these in my area of activity and I think I started mapping them as historic=mine_cart

(guess I should add an entry to the wiki someday)


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The same discussion is running parallel in the German subforum Bergbaudenkmäler - pointing into the direction of historic=vehicle + vehicle:type=minecart at the time being (without _).

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“tubs” are what they are called in Derbyshire in England. That might vary, even in Engalnd…


Yes, it’s mentioned in the linked wikipedia article:

In the Region of SaarLorLux, where I live, one find them mostly in public squares not in front yards.

I’ve made a poll for this in the german topic mentioned by @Map_HeRo

and it would be nice to have some international feedback too.

Oddly, the poll content doesn’t translate (“auf jeden Fall ein anderer Begriff”).

I didn’t try to translate a post with a poll before - yes it’s odd.

“auf jeden Fall ein anderer Begriff” should mean “neither of both”, i.e. if you prefer “tub” …