Let me disagree.
I am usually one of the chosen few talking with various companies and governmental institutions, and obviously we never offer to pay for anything (mainly because TINW (There Is No We), no legal organisation which could actually own any money to pay from). My job is usually find a person who helps me from inside, or if we already have someone then talk to them and the organisation through them to reach an agreement which is mutually beneficial and causes no real harm to the offering party. We get “sponsorship” in the form of “data”, and we list the sponsors in the wiki.
Most of the time these discussions are about dissolving misconceptions, finding technical solutions to specific problems, specifying the exact way of use and the exact circle of data to use, and in the end usually creating and agreement, refining it and get both parties to sign them. Then get them slaves mappers to grab the data and process it before importing.
(As an example: in one case there was a huge amount of orthophotos offered but they did not have the resources and time to run a server [nor the mood to provide support], so we transferred the images, tiled it and serve it from our server.)
What I expect from the Foundation is to communicate and organise. Find mappers who are in a position to meet and talk to Maxar people, find Maxar people who are open to talk, get them talk, and help them by technical means from the background to reach an agreement. Then if required, be the other party in the agreement, and keep it running.
Even it’d be useful to actually try and gather people who can and want to be involved in talking to Maxar and find solutions. My guess is that there are some (I can help in many aspects, but not in personal meetings).
I do not know anyone at Maxar, and I do not live nearby to actually meet them in person and try to fix the flaws in their understanding of what we need, what we offer, and what they may or may not actually lose; also I am not a registered organisation; I believe I am not fit for doing that instead of the Board.
Sidenote: I disagree to pay even a cent. It’s a slippery slope. We’re a nonprofit foundation. They can support us, for example, by the whatever value they think their service is worth. My problem with that, generally, is that I’ve been told that someone supported us by some unknown means using unknown amount of unknown resources, so I cannot even judge whether it has been a viable solution to seek, or it was an unsustainable waste of money (or else).