"AI-Based Country Scale Road Import"

As someone who has been active in India for the last 10 years, I can safely say that OSM is struggling here because very few see any point drawing millions of kms of roads across this vast country, most of which are already there on other maps. The majority of contributions of roads in India have come from European mappers, and maybe we should treat that as good as an import as well.

That said, having these roads on the map has acted as a seed for some basic data that makes the map be of use and allow the collection of more valuable data that can only come from local knowledge like streetnames and POIs. In India, we are already seeing that by the way of maps.me contributions from the mobile which is the primary way to access the internet, and would not be possible if there were no roads to begin with.

OSM will be a truly open and global project only when it can build sustainable communities on the ground maintaining the map as stephankn said. If we have access to high quality of open road geometries from FB, it seems like a huge opportunity to improve the quality of the map and boost the utility of OSM, which in turn brings in more editors. Its unreasonable to expect OSM communities in developing nations to form like they have in Europe over beers when basic needs like continuous electricity or safe drinking water is not met. Maybe different regions need different approaches, and this seems like a worthwhile effort if endorsed by the local mappers.
