Language and location based content and categories

🌐 Español

Esta propuesta es el resultado de consolidar comentarios muy diversos sobre idiomas, lugares y categorĂ­as.

Por favor, queremos leer tu opiniĂłn en los comentarios de abajo.

Reconocemos que OpenStreetMap es una comunidad muy diversa, multicultural y multilingĂŒe, que no puede traducirse fĂĄcilmente en una simple categorizaciĂłn u organizaciĂłn del foro.

Algunos de los retos que nos gustarĂ­a abordar:

  • Los grupos y editores locales quieren tener un espacio para hablar de cartografĂ­a en su regiĂłn.
  • La gente que habla el mismo idioma quiere crear y descubrir fĂĄcilmente conversaciones que puedan ser relevantes para ellos y colaborar.
  • Existe una barrera para que las personas que no hablan inglĂ©s puedan acceder y participar en algunas conversaciones.
  • Algunas personas quieren apoyar el mapeo en paĂ­ses en los que no viven o no hablan el idioma local.

Creemos que esta propuesta equilibra el deseo de la gente de tener un espacio en su idioma, la experimentaciĂłn de usar la tecnologĂ­a para acercar a la gente aunque no compartan un idioma y permitir una coordinaciĂłn efectiva para el mapeo local.

Propuesta sobre cĂłmo manejar los diferentes idiomas

Cada idioma soportado tendrĂĄ una categorĂ­a de primer nivel.

  • Al menos 3 colaboradores activos deben moderar el contenido.
  • Inicialmente cualquier contenido puede ser publicado en su categorĂ­a de idioma.
  • Las conversaciones especĂ­ficas de cada paĂ­s deben ir en la categorĂ­a del paĂ­s, no aquĂ­.
  • La comunidad utilizarĂĄ activamente etiquetas para separar los diferentes contenidos.
  • Si el volumen de una etiqueta es alto, se puede crear una subcategorĂ­a para ese tipo de contenido (a peticiĂłn de los moderadores)


El idioma (lagcode)

  • “Tema sobre rutas y ciclismo” (tag:ciclismo)
  • “Únete a la prĂłxima convocatoria de la comunidad” (tag:reuniones)
  • Ayuda y soporte (subcategorĂ­a)
    • “Problema al intentar descargar datos de mapas”.
    • “Necesito ayuda con OSMAnd” (tag:osmand)

Propuesta para permitir una colaboraciĂłn mĂĄs multilingĂŒe

Seguiremos trabajando en dinåmicas y herramientas que puedan ayudar a acercar a personas que no hablan el mismo idioma. Un ejemplo es considerar un experimento/prueba con el plugin traductor de Discourse y observar cómo evoluciona la participación. Añadiremos esto a la lista de cosas por hacer una vez que hayamos hecho la transición completa de las comunidades mås grandes.

Propuesta sobre cĂłmo manejar el mapeo local / ediciĂłn de discusiones

Cada paĂ­s puede tener una subcategorĂ­a en Communities

  • Al menos 3 colaboradores locales activos deben moderar el contenido.
  • SĂłlo se publicarĂĄ contenido relevante para la regiĂłn del mapa.
  • Se anima a la comunidad a utilizar etiquetas para separar los diferentes contenidos.

Eventualmente una categorĂ­a de paĂ­s puede ser movida para ser una categorĂ­a de nivel superior, eso permitirĂ­a:

  • Si el volumen de una etiqueta es alto, se puede crear una subcategorĂ­a para ese tipo de contenido (a peticiĂłn de los moderadores)
  • Se pueden solicitar subcategorĂ­as para idiomas de paĂ­ses adicionales.
  • El paĂ­s puede tener una subcategorĂ­a para la discusiĂłn en inglĂ©s para permitir que la comunidad global internacional tambiĂ©n apoye la ediciĂłn local en el paĂ­s.

Ejemplo como subcategorĂ­a normal bajo Communities

El paĂ­s (cĂłdigo de paĂ­s)

  • “Ayuda con la importaciĂłn masiva de PDI en mi ciudad” (tag:dakar, poi)
  • “Mejorar la calidad de los datos y formar a los validadores” (tag:validators, quality)
  • “Apoyo en la respuesta a la reciente crisis” (tag:english, disaster-response)

Ejemplo como categorĂ­a de nivel superior:

El paĂ­s (cĂłdigo de paĂ­s)

  • “Ayuda a la importaciĂłn masiva de PDI en mi ciudad” (tag:dakar, poi)
  • “Mejorar la calidad de los datos y formar a los validadores” (tag:validators, quality)
  • InglĂ©s (subcategorĂ­a)
    • “Apoyo a la respuesta a la reciente crisis” (tag:disaster-response)

:left_speech_bubble: ¿Qué opinas de esta propuesta? Añade un comentario a continuación.

  • ÂżQuĂ© es lo que mĂĄs te gusta?
  • ÂżFalta algo?
  • ÂżQuĂ© harĂ­as diferente y por quĂ©?

ÂĄGracias! :slight_smile:

🌐 Français

Cette proposition est le résultat de la consolidation des commentaires trÚs divers sur les langues, les lieux et les catégories.

S’il vous plaüt, nous voulons lire votre contribution dans les commentaires ci-dessous.

Nous reconnaissons qu’OpenStreetMap est une communautĂ© trĂšs diverse, multiculturelle et multilingue, qui ne peut pas facilement se traduire par une simple catĂ©gorisation ou organisation de forum.

Quelques-uns des défis que nous aimerions relever :

  • Les groupes locaux et les Ă©diteurs veulent avoir un espace pour parler de la cartographie dans leur rĂ©gion.
  • Les personnes qui parlent la mĂȘme langue veulent crĂ©er et dĂ©couvrir facilement des conversations qui pourraient ĂȘtre pertinentes pour eux et collaborer.
  • Il existe une barriĂšre pour les personnes qui ne parlent pas anglais pour accĂ©der et participer Ă  certaines conversations.
  • Certaines personnes veulent soutenir la cartographie dans des pays oĂč elles ne vivent pas ou dont elles ne parlent pas la langue locale.

Nous pensons que cette proposition permet d’équilibrer le dĂ©sir des gens d’avoir un espace dans leur langue, d’expĂ©rimenter l’utilisation de la technologie pour rapprocher les gens mĂȘme s’ils ne partagent pas la mĂȘme langue et de permettre une coordination efficace pour la cartographie locale.

Proposition sur la façon de gérer les différentes langues

Chaque langue soutenue aura une catégorie de premier niveau.

  • Au moins 3 contributeurs actifs devraient modĂ©rer le contenu.
  • Initialement, tout contenu peut ĂȘtre postĂ© dans la catĂ©gorie de leur langue.
  • Les conversations spĂ©cifiques Ă  un pays doivent aller dans la catĂ©gorie du pays, pas ici.
  • La communautĂ© utilisera activement les tags pour sĂ©parer les diffĂ©rents contenus.
  • Si le volume d’un tag est Ă©levĂ©, une sous-catĂ©gorie pour ce type de contenu peut ĂȘtre crĂ©Ă©e (Ă  la demande des modĂ©rateurs).

Exemple :

La langue (lagcode)

  • “Sujet sur les itinĂ©raires et le vĂ©lo” (tag:cycling)
  • “Rejoignez le prochain appel communautaire” (tag:meetings)
  • Aide et support (sous-catĂ©gorie)
    • “ProblĂšme lors du tĂ©lĂ©chargement de donnĂ©es cartographiques”.
    • “J’ai besoin d’aide avec OSMAnd” (tag:osmand)

Proposition pour une collaboration plus multilingue

Nous continuerons Ă  travailler sur des dynamiques et des outils qui peuvent aider Ă  rapprocher des personnes qui ne parlent pas la mĂȘme langue. Un exemple est d’envisager une expĂ©rience/test avec le [plugin de traduction de discours] (Discourse Translator - plugin - Discourse Meta) et d’observer comment la participation Ă©volue. Nous ajouterons ceci Ă  la liste TODO une fois que nous aurons effectuĂ© la transition complĂšte des plus grandes communautĂ©s.

Proposition sur la façon de gérer les discussions locales de cartographie / édition

Chaque pays peut avoir une sous-catégorie sous Communities.

  • Au moins 3 contributeurs locaux actifs devraient modĂ©rer le contenu.
  • Seul le contenu pertinent pour la rĂ©gion de la carte sera postĂ©.
  • La communautĂ© est encouragĂ©e Ă  utiliser des balises pour sĂ©parer les diffĂ©rents contenus.

La catĂ©gorie pays peut Ă©ventuellement ĂȘtre dĂ©placĂ©e pour devenir une catĂ©gorie de premier niveau, ce qui permettrait :

  • Si le volume d’un tag est Ă©levĂ©, une sous-catĂ©gorie pour ce type de contenu peut ĂȘtre crĂ©Ă©e (Ă  la demande des modĂ©rateurs).
  • Des sous-catĂ©gories pour les langues de pays supplĂ©mentaires peuvent ĂȘtre demandĂ©es.
  • Le pays peut avoir une sous-catĂ©gorie pour les discussions en anglais afin de permettre Ă  la communautĂ© internationale de soutenir Ă©galement l’édition locale dans le pays.

Exemple de sous-catégorie normale sous Communities

Le pays (code pays)

  • “Aide Ă  l’importation massive de POI dans ma ville” (tag:dakar, poi)
  • “AmĂ©liorer la qualitĂ© des donnĂ©es et former les validateurs” (tag:validateurs, qualitĂ©)
  • “Soutien Ă  la rĂ©ponse aux catastrophes lors de la rĂ©cente crise” (tag:english, disaster-response)

Exemple de catégorie de premier niveau :

Le pays (countrycode)

  • “Aide Ă  l’importation massive de POI dans ma ville” (tag:dakar, poi)
  • “AmĂ©liorer la qualitĂ© des donnĂ©es et former les validateurs” (tag:validateurs, qualitĂ©)
  • Anglais (sous-catĂ©gorie)
    • “Soutien Ă  la rĂ©ponse aux catastrophes lors de la crise rĂ©cente” (tag:disaster-response)

:left_speech_bubble : Que pensez-vous de cette proposition ? Ajoutez un commentaire ci-dessous !

  • Qu’est-ce qui vous plaĂźt le plus ?
  • Y a-t-il quelque chose qui manque ?
  • Que feriez-vous diffĂ©remment et pourquoi ?

Merci ! :slight_smile:

🌐 Deutsch

Dieser Vorschlag ist das Ergebnis der Konsolidierung von sehr unterschiedlichem Feedback zu Sprachen, Orten und Kategorien.

Bitte, wir möchten Ihren Beitrag in den Kommentaren unten lesen!

Wir sind uns bewusst, dass OpenStreetMap eine sehr vielfĂ€ltige, multikulturelle und mehrsprachige Gemeinschaft ist, die sich nicht einfach in eine einfache Forumskategorisierung oder -organisation ĂŒbersetzen lĂ€sst.

Einige der Herausforderungen, die wir gerne angehen wĂŒrden:

  • Lokale Gruppen und Redakteure möchten einen Raum haben, um ĂŒber die Kartierung in ihrer Region zu sprechen.
  • Menschen, die dieselbe Sprache sprechen, möchten auf einfache Weise Unterhaltungen erstellen und entdecken, die fĂŒr sie relevant sein könnten, und zusammenarbeiten.
  • FĂŒr Menschen, die kein Englisch sprechen, ist der Zugang zu und die Teilnahme an einigen Unterhaltungen eine Barriere.
  • Einige Leute möchten die Kartierung in LĂ€ndern unterstĂŒtzen, in denen sie nicht leben oder die Landessprache nicht sprechen.

Wir denken, dass dieser Vorschlag ein Gleichgewicht zwischen dem Wunsch der Menschen, einen Raum in ihrer Sprache zu haben, dem Versuch, Technologie zu nutzen, um Menschen nĂ€her zu bringen, auch wenn sie keine gemeinsame Sprache haben, und der Ermöglichung einer effektiven Koordination fĂŒr lokales Mapping schafft.

Vorschlag zum Umgang mit verschiedenen Sprachen

Jede unterstĂŒtzte Sprache wird eine eigene Kategorie haben.

  • Mindestens 3 aktive Mitwirkende sollten den Inhalt moderieren.
  • Zu Beginn kann jeder Inhalt in die Kategorie seiner Sprache eingestellt werden.
  • LĂ€nderspezifische Unterhaltungen sollten in der jeweiligen LĂ€nderkategorie stattfinden, nicht hier.
  • Die Gemeinschaft wird aktiv Tags verwenden, um verschiedene Inhalte zu trennen.
  • Wenn das Volumen eines Tags hoch ist, kann eine Unterkategorie fĂŒr diese Art von Inhalt erstellt werden (auf Wunsch der Moderatoren)


Die Sprache (lagcode)

  • “Thema ĂŒber Routen und Radfahren” (Tag:Radfahren)
  • “Nehmen Sie am nĂ€chsten Community-Call teil” (tag:meetings)
  • Hilfe und UnterstĂŒtzung (Unterkategorie)
    • “Problem beim Herunterladen von Kartendaten”.
    • “Ich brauche Hilfe mit OSMAnd” (tag:osmand)

Vorschlag zur Ermöglichung einer mehrsprachigen Zusammenarbeit

Wir werden weiterhin an Dynamiken und Werkzeugen arbeiten, die dazu beitragen können, Menschen, die nicht dieselbe Sprache sprechen, einander nĂ€her zu bringen. Ein Beispiel ist ein Experiment/Test mit [discourse translator plugin] (Discourse Translator - plugin - Discourse Meta) und die Beobachtung, wie sich die Teilnahme entwickelt. Wir werden dies auf die TODO-Liste setzen, sobald wir die grĂ¶ĂŸten Gemeinschaften vollstĂ€ndig umgestellt haben.

Vorschlag zur Handhabung lokaler Mapping-/Editing-Diskussionen

Jedes Land kann eine Unterkategorie unter Communities haben

  • Mindestens 3 aktive lokale Mitwirkende sollten den Inhalt moderieren.
  • Nur Inhalte, die fĂŒr die Region der Karte relevant sind, werden gepostet.
  • Die Gemeinschaft wird ermutigt, Tags zu verwenden, um verschiedene Inhalte zu trennen.

Eventuell kann eine LĂ€nderkategorie in eine ĂŒbergeordnete Kategorie umgewandelt werden, was dies ermöglichen wĂŒrde:

  • Wenn das Volumen eines Tags hoch ist, kann eine Unterkategorie fĂŒr diese Art von Inhalt erstellt werden (auf Wunsch der Moderatoren)
  • Unterkategorien fĂŒr zusĂ€tzliche Landessprachen können angefordert werden.
  • Das Land kann eine Unterkategorie fĂŒr englische Diskussionen haben, damit die internationale Gemeinschaft auch die lokale Bearbeitung im Land unterstĂŒtzen kann.

Beispiel als normale Unterkategorie unter Communities

Das Land (LĂ€ndercode)

  • “Hilfe beim Massenimport von POIs in meiner Stadt” (tag:dakar, poi)
  • “Verbesserung der DatenqualitĂ€t und Schulung von Validatoren” (tag:validators, quality)
  • “UnterstĂŒtzung bei der Katastrophenhilfe in der jĂŒngsten Krise” (tag:english, disaster-response)

Beispiel fĂŒr eine Kategorie der obersten Ebene:

Das Land (LĂ€ndercode)

  • “Hilfe beim Massenimport von POIs in meiner Stadt” (tag:dakar, poi)
  • “Verbesserung der DatenqualitĂ€t und Schulung von Validatoren” (tag:validators, quality)
  • Englisch (Unterkategorie)
    • “Katastrophenhilfe fĂŒr die jĂŒngste Krise” (tag:disaster-response)

:left_speech_bubble: Was halten Sie von diesem Vorschlag? FĂŒgen Sie unten einen Kommentar hinzu!

  • Was gefĂ€llt Ihnen am besten?
  • Gibt es etwas, das fehlt?
  • Was wĂŒrden Sie anders machen und warum?

Vielen Dank! :slight_smile:

🌐 PortuguĂȘs

Esta proposta é o resultado da consolidação feedback muito diversificado sobre idiomas, locais e categorias.

Por favor, queremos ler sua opiniĂŁo nos comentĂĄrios abaixo!

Reconhecemos que o OpenStreetMap Ă© uma comunidade muito diversa, multicultural e multilĂ­ngĂŒe, que nĂŁo pode facilmente se traduzir em uma simples categorização ou organização de fĂłrum.

Alguns dos desafios que gostarĂ­amos de enfrentar:

  • Grupos locais e editores querem ter um espaço para falar sobre mapeamento em sua regiĂŁo.
  • Pessoas que falam a mesma lĂ­ngua querem criar e descobrir facilmente conversas que possam ser relevantes para elas e colaborar.
  • HĂĄ uma barreira para que as pessoas que nĂŁo falam inglĂȘs tenham acesso e participem de algumas conversas.
  • Algumas pessoas querem apoiar o mapeamento em paĂ­ses nos quais nĂŁo vivem ou nĂŁo falam o idioma local.

Pensamos que esta proposta equilibra o desejo das pessoas de ter um espaço em sua língua, a experimentação de usar a tecnologia para aproximar as pessoas mesmo que não compartilhem uma língua e permitir uma coordenação eficaz para o mapeamento local.

Proposta sobre como lidar com diferentes idiomas

Cada idioma suportado terĂĄ uma categoria de nĂ­vel superior.

  • Pelo menos 3 colaboradores ativos devem ser moderadores de conteĂșdo.
  • Inicialmente, qualquer conteĂșdo pode ser postado em sua categoria de idioma.
  • As conversas especĂ­ficas de cada paĂ­s devem ser incluĂ­das na categoria de paĂ­s, nĂŁo aqui.
  • A comunidade usarĂĄ ativamente as tags para separar os diferentes conteĂșdos.
  • Se o volume de uma tag for alto, uma subcategoria para esse tipo de conteĂșdo pode ser criada (a pedido dos moderadores).


O idioma (lagcode)

  • “TĂłpico sobre rotas e ciclismo” (tag:ciclismo)
  • “Junte-se Ă  prĂłxima chamada da comunidade” (tag:meetings)
  • Ajuda e apoio (subcategoria)
    • “Problema tentando baixar dados do mapa”.
    • “Preciso de ajuda com OSMAnd” (tag:osmand)

Proposta para permitir uma colaboração mais multilĂ­ngĂŒe

Continuaremos trabalhando em dinĂąmicas e ferramentas que possam ajudar a aproximar as pessoas que nĂŁo falam a mesma lĂ­ngua. Um exemplo Ă© considerar uma experiĂȘncia/teste com plugin de tradutor de discurso e observar como a participação evolui. Acrescentaremos isto Ă  lista TODO quando tivermos feito a transição completa das maiores comunidades.

Proposta sobre como lidar com o mapeamento local / edição de discussÔes

Cada paĂ­s pode ter uma subcategoria em #comunidades

  • Pelo menos 3 colaboradores locais ativos devem ser moderadores de conteĂșdo.
  • Somente conteĂșdo relevante para a regiĂŁo do mapa serĂĄ postado.
  • A comunidade Ă© encorajada a usar tags para separar diferentes conteĂșdos.

Eventualmente, uma categoria de paĂ­s pode ser movida para ser uma categoria de nĂ­vel superior, o que permitiria:

  • Se o volume de uma tag for alto, uma subcategoria para esse tipo de conteĂșdo pode ser criada (a pedido dos moderadores).
  • Subcategorias para idiomas adicionais do paĂ­s podem ser solicitadas.
  • O paĂ­s pode ter uma subcategoria para discussĂŁo em inglĂȘs para permitir que a comunidade internacional global tambĂ©m apoie a edição local no paĂ­s.

Exemplo como subcategoria normal em #communidades

O paĂ­s (cĂłdigo de paĂ­s)

  • “Ajuda na importação em massa de POIs em minha cidade” (tag:dakar, poi)
  • “Melhorar a qualidade dos dados e validadores de trem” (tag:validadores, qualidade)
  • “Disaster response support to the recent crisis” (tag:english, disaster-response)

Exemplo como categoria de nĂ­vel superior:

O paĂ­s (cĂłdigo de paĂ­s)

  • “Ajuda na importação em massa de POIs em minha cidade” (tag:dakar, poi)
  • “Melhorar a qualidade dos dados e validadores de trem” (tag:validadores, qualidade)
  • InglĂȘs (subcategoria)
  • “Apoio Ă  resposta a desastres da recente crise” (tag:disaster-response)

esquerda_speech_bubble: O que vocĂȘ pensa sobre esta proposta? Adicione um comentĂĄrio abaixo!

  • Do que vocĂȘ mais gosta?
  • EstĂĄ faltando alguma coisa?
  • O que vocĂȘ faria de diferente e por quĂȘ?

Obrigado! :slight_smile:

🌐 Italiano

Questa proposta Ăš il risultato del consolidamento di feedback molto diversi su lingue, luoghi e categorie.

Per favore, vogliamo leggere il vostro contributo nei commenti qui sotto!.

Riconosciamo che OpenStreetMap Ăš una comunitĂ  molto diversa, multiculturale e multilingue, che non puĂČ facilmente tradursi in una semplice categorizzazione o organizzazione del forum.

Alcune delle sfide che vorremmo affrontare:

  • I gruppi locali e gli editori vogliono avere uno spazio per parlare di mappatura nella loro regione.
  • Le persone che parlano la stessa lingua vogliono creare e scoprire facilmente le conversazioni che potrebbero essere rilevanti per loro e collaborare.
  • C’ù una barriera per le persone che non parlano inglese per accedere e partecipare ad alcune conversazioni.
  • Alcune persone vogliono sostenere la mappatura in paesi in cui non vivono o di cui non parlano la lingua locale.

Pensiamo che questa proposta bilanci il desiderio delle persone di avere uno spazio nella loro lingua, la sperimentazione di usare la tecnologia per avvicinare le persone anche se non condividono una lingua e consentire un coordinamento efficace per la mappatura locale.

Proposta su come gestire lingue diverse

Ogni lingua supportata avrĂ  una categoria di primo livello.

  • Almeno 3 collaboratori attivi dovrebbero moderare i contenuti.
  • Inizialmente ogni contenuto puĂČ essere postato nella categoria della propria lingua.
  • Le conversazioni specifiche del paese dovrebbero andare sotto la categoria del paese, non qui.
  • La comunitĂ  userĂ  attivamente i tag per separare i diversi contenuti.
  • Se il volume di un tag Ăš alto, puĂČ essere creata una sottocategoria per quel tipo di contenuto (come da richiesta dei moderatori)


La lingua (lagcode)

  • “Topic su percorsi e ciclismo” (tag:cycling)
  • “Partecipa alla prossima chiamata della comunità” (tag:incontri)
  • Aiuto e supporto (sottocategoria)
    • “Problema nel cercare di scaricare i dati delle mappe”.
    • “Ho bisogno di aiuto con OSMAnd” (tag:osmand)

Proposta per consentire una collaborazione piĂč multilingue

Continueremo a lavorare su dinamiche e strumenti che possano aiutare ad avvicinare persone che non parlano la stessa lingua. Un esempio Ăš considerare un esperimento/test con discourse translator plugin e osservare come si evolve la partecipazione. Aggiungeremo questo alla lista TODO una volta che avremo completato la transizione delle comunitĂ  piĂč grandi.

Proposta su come gestire le discussioni locali di mappatura/editing

Ogni paese puĂČ avere una sottocategoria sotto Communities

  • Almeno 3 collaboratori locali attivi dovrebbero moderare i contenuti.
  • Solo i contenuti rilevanti per la regione della mappa saranno postati.
  • La comunitĂ  Ăš incoraggiata ad usare i tag per separare i diversi contenuti.

Eventualmente una categoria paese puĂČ essere spostata per essere una categoria di primo livello, questo permetterebbe:

  • Se il volume di un tag Ăš alto, puĂČ essere creata una sottocategoria per quel tipo di contenuto (come da richiesta dei moderatori)
  • Possono essere richieste sottocategorie per ulteriori lingue di paesi.
  • Il paese puĂČ avere una sottocategoria per la discussione in inglese per permettere alla comunitĂ  globale internazionale di supportare anche l’editing locale nel paese.

Esempio come sottocategoria normale sotto Communities

Il paese (countrycode)

  • “Aiuto per l’importazione di massa di POI nella mia città” (tag:dakar, poi)
  • “Migliorare la qualitĂ  dei dati e formare i validatori” (tag:validators, quality)
  • “Supporto alla risposta ai disastri per la recente crisi” (tag:english, disaster-response)

Esempio come categoria di primo livello:

Il paese (countrycode)

  • “Aiuto per l’importazione di massa di POI nella mia città” (tag:dakar, poi)
  • “Migliorare la qualitĂ  dei dati e formare i validatori” (tag:validators, quality)
  • Inglese (sottocategoria)
    • “Supporto alla risposta alla recente crisi” (tag:disaster-response)

:left_speech_bubble: **Cosa pensi di questa proposta? Aggiungi un commento qui sotto!

  • Cosa ti piace di piĂč?
  • Manca qualcosa?
  • Cosa faresti di diverso e perchĂ©?

Grazie! :slight_smile:

This proposal is the result of consolidating very diverse feedback on languages, locations and categories.

Please, we want to read your input in the comments below!

We acknowledge that OpenStreetMap is a very diverse, multicultural and multilingual community, which can’t easily translate into a simple forum categorization or organization.

Some of the challenges we would like to tackle:

  • Local groups and editors want to have a space to talk about mapping in their region.
  • People who speak the same language want to easily create and discover conversations that might be relevant for them and collaborate.
  • There is a barrier for people who don’t speak English to access and participate in some conversations.
  • Some people want to support mapping in countries they don’t live in or they don’t speak the local language.

We think this proposal balances the desire of people to have a space in their language, the experimentation to use tech to bring people closer even if they don’t share a language and enabling effective coordination for local mapping.

:speaking_head: Proposal on how to handle different languages

Each supported language can request (if desired by the community) a top level category.

  • At least 3 active contributors should be moderating content.
  • Initially any content can be posted into their language category.
  • Country-specific conversations should go under the country category, not here.
  • Community will actively use tags to separate different content.
  • If the volume of one tag is high, a subcategory for that type of content can be created (as per request of the moderators)


The language (lagcode)

  • “Topic about routes and cycling” (tag:cycling)
  • “Join the next community call” (tag:meetings)
  • Help and support (subcategory)
    • “Issue trying to download map data.”
    • “I need help with OSMAnd” (tag:osmand)

:handshake: Proposal on enabling a more multilingual collaboration

We’ll keep working on dynamics and tools that can help bring closer people who don’t speak the same language. One example is considering an experiment/test with discourse translator plugin and observe how participation evolves. We’ll add this to the TODO list once we have fully transitioned the biggest communities.

:globe_with_meridians: Proposal on how to handle local mapping / editing discussions

Each country can have a subcategory under Communities

  • At least 3 active local contributors should be moderating content.
  • Only content relevant to the region of the map will be posted.
  • The community is encouraged to use tags to separate different content.

Eventually a country category can be moved to be a top level category, that would allow:

  • If the volume of one tag is high, a subcategory for that type of content can be created (as per request of the moderators)
  • Subcategories for additional country languages can be requested.
  • The country can have one subcategory for English discussion to allow the international global community to also support local editing in the country.

Example as normal subcategory under Communities

The country (countrycode)

  • “Help with mass import of POIs in my city” (tag:dakar, poi)
  • “Improve data quality and train validators” (tag:validators, quality)
  • “Disaster response support to the recent crisis” (tag:english, disaster-response)

Example as top level category:

The country (countrycode)

  • “Help with mass import of POIs in my city” (tag:dakar, poi)
  • “Improve data quality and train validators” (tag:validators, quality)
  • English (subcategory)
    • “Disaster response support to the recent crisis” (tag:disaster-response)

:left_speech_bubble: What do you think about this proposal? Add a comment below!

  • What do you like the most?
  • Is there something missing?
  • What would you do different and why?

We’ll keep this proposal open for input and feedback until March 29th.

After that date the @forums-governance team will take in consideration all the input and take a decision.

Thanks! :slight_smile:

Update: Decision taken


I recommend consistently translating any and all instructional materials/videos in OSM in multiple languages for access across communities and maintaining an archive of sorts. As much as possible anyway.

Make it as visible as possible that this site does not favor any particular language, or is dominated by English speakers to the point of excluding other languages.

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Are there any ideas you have already in mind? It’s fine if they are big or small, they can help envision the direction we should be walking into. Thanks!

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I’m not sure how it would be implemented, but like to see the discussion be self organising. As it is now often Google is the best way to find information and history of a given topic. I would rather spend time mapping than monitoring discussions that are occasionally of interest to me, but at the same time I would like to dig into the activity of something that comes up as I contribute to OSM. Maybe the implementation of Discourse is intended for just that?

Country specific sub-fora to have at least two moderators that can as well ban and admit users (for closed group sub-fora)

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Hi @Martin_Borsje I’m moving your message to the relevant topic.

Can you expand a bit more about closed group spaces and how do they work right now?


@nukeador I’m not sure country-specific content should be separate from the language category. I think a tag for the country should be sufficient, at least in the beggining. I’m getting familiar with Discourse now, but I have experience as a moderator of OSM mailing lists and telegram groups and would be happy to help moderating content in Portuguese here.

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Thanks for the feedback. How would you handle shared spaces for languages that are spoken in many countries (Spanish, French, Portuguese, Dutch
 and even English)? Also countries where they have multi official-languages spoken.

In the previous conversation we got some feedback from people that felt isolated only participating in their country space when there was so much happening in his language elsewhere and he was missing.

I think @vgeorge mentioned country tags, and language categories.

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@nukeador to clarify what I meant, I agree with the proposal of having language categories. Country specific topics, like road classification, could be marked with country tags. For example, in Brazil, Portugal and many countries in Latin America I don’t see necessity of country forums, at least not initially. The OSM Forum already does that and most countries sub-forums don’t have a lot of traffic. Having a common shared spaces for languagues other than English would be great for exchanging knowledge.

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Should we expect people will be always vigilant to add country tags to every topic they create?

How would you do with countries that have more than one official language? (Spain, Belgium, India, most African countries
) Should topics be in separate categories?

What should we do when most populated or active community countries start dominating the topic list in a language category, which are irrelevant for other participants? How do we avoid having this “noise”?

In my experience most topics on forums are related to a specific parts of the map, rather than a general query about OSM.

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This is reasonable looking at existing OSM forums, but I think it’s too early to say if Discourse will elicit similar questions and attract similar demographics to those forums. I mean, I never posted on any of the old forums, but I’m here now!

I think country tags should only be added where directly relevant. My guess would be that this forum may act less like previous, more geographic forums and thus not attract so many country-specific questions. In this case, the problem is naturally minimized. However, even if the majority of questions are specific to a location, I don’t think it’s an unreasonable ask for users to indicate that location via a tag.

I don’t see an issue here. If a Belgium-specific post is in French, it goes in the French category with the Belgium tag. If it’s in German, in the German category. In Dutch, in Dutch. If someone wants to find all the posts about Belgium, they can do a search for the Belgium tag, and get the posts from all languages.

Using tag filters within categories will, I think, solve this issue. Users can filter out topics form countries they’re not interested in.


The issue is that you can’t be watching a category to get notifications and exclude some tags, you will get all topics, including the ones from countries that are not relevant to you.

We should think about how to make the experience easier for people, with your proposal people will have to constantly add country tags and also there is no way for someone to be subscribed to topics in their language without getting a ton of topics not relevant for them, so additional work trying to skip this content.

I’ll reformulate the question: What are the issues/concerns you have with having country and language separated categories and why do you think they are issues?

I don’t think this is true. When you visit a tag page it is possible to silent that tag in the notification bell.

One specific problem are posts that apply to more than one country in the same language domain, but not all of them. With country tags it should be pretty easy to handle that.

In general, I’m concerned about the fragmentation of communities. I think starting right away with country categories we would be putting barriers between communities and trying to solve problems we don’t have yet. If that separation makes sense after we started the language category we can always create new country categories later and migrate content there.

I’m not sure if asking people to start muting tags is a nice experience compared with solving that for them in the first place.

OK, so what I understand here is that you propose that we only create country specific categories if there is enough volume on the language category one, right?

Based on the proposal in the top comment, I don’t understand where a topic about Germany in German should go: the German category or the Germany category? Both? Is that even possible?

As an additional note, I would also be perfectly happy with the inverse: country/community categories and language tags. That might be a more logical organization, and particularly one more in line with existing fora.

In NL we have a small sub-forum that is only for a small group of mappers that import buildings from Dutch authorities (BAG) by using a JOSM plugin, developed and distributed by Dutch BAG plugin developers.
The discussion and distribution of this plugin is quite advanced and the group is quite careful their members (and only write in Dutch language). We have no other way of communicating.

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Nice to see the option to move the forum to a modern platform.
But even more than the platform, I am interested in content.
I would like to see subsections not only by language, but also by country, as many countries have specific regulations to consider and challenges to face, which would overload a general forum.
Furthermore the migration of the very valuable content of the old German User forum is an important thing to me. Dumping or “archiving” it to place no longer generating search results in this most recent replacement of the forum would lead to restart discussions solved and agreed years ago.



To the Germany one, since it a location-based conversation.