Another @forums-governance team meeting took place on 2022-06-15T22:00:00Z.
Attendees: @Firefishy @nukeador @Tordanik
Topics discussed
- Unblocking migration of
- Plans on transition
- Content migration or archive
- Acknowledgement for users’ reputation
- Tags
- Plugin installation
- Public communication and forum visibility
- Quick status checks on open requests in the site-feedback category
Decisions and results
Unblocking migration of
- @Firefishy to talk to @cquest and evaluate the best way of supporting the work as well as the complexity of the work to be done
- Next week we’ll publish the status and an updated plan.
- @Firefishy discovered that some themes on the old forum did not show the banner.
Plans on transition
- Questions-answers plugin was deprecated in favour of a new official one (Discourse Question Answer - plugin - Discourse Meta). We’ll wait until this new one is ready for deployment.
- By 2022-07-14T00:00:00Z we’ll take an informed decision on migration option based on research from @Firefishy
- This will not be the focus until migration of is complete.
Public communication plans
- Keep encouraging new community categories to update their community index info with the new forum. Should preferably be ranked above comparable platforms.
- The forums should be linked directly from the website at some point, but we need to figure out the specifics. (Where to position links? Do we need to open a discussion about how the /help /about pages are going to be updated? Who should handle this?)
Quick status checks on smaller open requests
- updated several open issues
- introduced #upstream-dependency tag