Report vandalism or concerns about edits here

(repeating what I said elsewhere for a slightly wider audience) you need to try and find examples of stuff that has gone.

One way is to zoom right in to somewhere with relatively few updates and look at the regular OSM history. If I do that in a field in Crimea I can see that September 17th was right in the middle of the last wave of name:ru vandalism. Looking a bit closer at one of the objects changed I can see that “name:ru removal” (as well as “name vandalism”) did happen, although in that case the “name:ru” did get added back at the revert.

I have been thinking about this, and unfortunately this is the kind of confrontational and assertive language that makes it hard for us to reach a resolution. It gives me an impression, even if unintentional, that you think that you are always right and that everyone else has to follow you, even if it does not reflect reality.

It does not help that I am on the brink of suicide due to reasons outside OSM.

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No dear Ika-chan, i am not always right, as I am not always wrong.

This user is adding fictional rallies and leaves nonsense changeset comments like stockthegame.

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The user’s profile description gives it away as it’s pretty much the same, even with the orthographical errors:


Due to the lack of response by the DWG to my report of fictional mapping, I feel tempted to believe that the DWG sides with fantasy mappers. How are we are not becoming OpenGeoFiction II?

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You know that’s not true (that DWG sides with fantasy mappers). There could be many reasons why they didn’t reply to you. They are volunteers aswell, and there are always issues with mappers, especially when there are massive vandalisms, which takes time to resolve.

I understand, but it is tempting considering how so many people use the OSM dataset, which means that we have to resolve issues in a timely manner to avoid a repeat of that “Jewtropolis” blunder (source: New York renamed 'Jewtropolis' in map hack - BBC News). I am actually trying to suppress that temptation to make such an assumption, rest assured.

Did you officially reported him to DWG? (opened a ticket?), and if yes when did you do that?

Houston we have a problem. Delta Evas ALL keeps doing fictional edits.
We have a lot of that kind of problems lately.
Please help us when we report someone to you.
Thank you.

Marc Zoutendijk from the DWG here:
Recently we didn’t receive any complaints about that user.
Did you create a Ticket?
Did you receive an answer from any of the DWG members?
When reporting someone (by creating a ticket), please give as many details as possible including links, map details etc.
Just reporting here that someboby is doing fictional edits is not going to work!

Best regards,
Marc Zoutendijk
OpenStreetMap Foundation
Data Working Group

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Because the report was via email, I had to DM you the ticket number.

And for the record on a unrelated note, I just realised why iD attribution footer seemed to have a rather bad day today: I know the mapper to be very defensive, but I did not expect that kind of defensiveness …

11 posts were split to a new topic: About Map-Finder edits

If anyone wants the DWG ticket number about Delta Evas ALL, it’s #2024040910000271.

Another example of Delta Evas ALL adding an imaginary junction: Way History: 1274450851 | OpenStreetMap.

Best regards,
Marc Zoutendijk
OpenStreetMap Foundation
Data Working Group


Climbed in my virtual time machine and found that ‘junction’, currently mapped in classic Italian T-junction style, but on the ground it appears as if approaching from the west, the road is a continuous hairpin with the road from the east having to give way, but Bing shows from above the situation did change. More odd is the multiple driveways and other ways that are not connected to the roads. Just this small area I see half a dozen.

Just saying…

That looks like vandalism also by Delta Evas ALL: Way History: 961532113 | OpenStreetMap

Recently started adding revert:id=* to the reversal change set tags with the change set number being reverted as value (whole or part, the part working very well in JOSM so found). Think the one before that also needs visiting as it reported disconnected ways as well.

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For the record, Delta Evas ALL marked an important provincial road as under construction despite the works being long complete (per D@nde’s edit): Way History: 1242488710 | OpenStreetMap

I would recommend the DWG to think carefully about letting Delta Evas ALL edit the map, and if they do, to step up the monitoring of the user. I am not as resilient in fixing damaging edits as much as I used to be.

EXTRA: in light of the discovery of more fictional junction layouts (see: OpenStreetMap (OSM) Changeset Discussions), I have no confidence that a month-long suspension against Delta Evas ALL is sufficient. I think the @osmf-data-wg should increase the suspension to “10 years and after the user has logged in” in light of the discoveries. In addition, we need greater monitoring of questionable edits in Greece. I am not as resilient in fixing damaging edits, as much as I used to be.