Report vandalism or concerns about edits here

Okay, I have emailed the DWG with regards to Geminiani S. I think the malicious character of the mass deletions should already be obvious.


All changesets (34) of user Geminiani S, regarding mass deletions, have been reverted for vandalism.


For the record, user Γιάννης 10 is adding fictional roads and junctions, such as this and this. This user has already been reported, and hopefully moderator action will be taken. While Sentinel Playground is not used for mapping, we use them to verify the legitimacy of edits.

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See achavi - Augmented OSM Change Viewer  [attic]

Red, what was
Green what’s something changed to
Yellow what’s new

Seemed to have deleted - red - then drew new ways in same place - yellow - in sections as well where a retag from secondary to primary would have sufficed.

Certainly the ways are showing now don’t match any of the imagery I have access to in ID and JOSM including Bing which is referred to as the source in the CS.


Is this maybe under construction or proposed routing? If so the tagging and mapping is wrong as than both old and future has to be mapped and tagged appropriately.


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Pinging DWG too, in hope someone to address this issue with him.

It is not in the interest of the Greek community to map roads that have not yet started construction for a simple reason that proposed roads are vulnerable to substantial changes up to the last minute.

In addition, I do not think that even if Greece had all the resources in the world, they would be able to build a road like this in under a month, let alone find a contractor in that kind of timeframe. This is not like Mainland China, where their government actually tries to build projects as fast as possible, usually at the expense of construction quality.

Given that this user has been called out for similar activity as Γιάννης 4, it is difficult for us to assume good faith on these kind of edits.


Changesets of Γιάννης 10 reverted: Vandalism.

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@marczoutendijk There is another vandal: stockthegame | OpenStreetMap

Examples of imaginary proposed road: Way: ‪Α72‬ (‪1177595078‬) | OpenStreetMap and Relation: ‪Road E46‬ (‪15924388‬) | OpenStreetMap - The E46 does not go through Greece, which is a red flag.

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Please report it to the DWG by email, in the normal way. I very much doubt that Marc will notice a comment here.

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He is reported. Someone from @osmf-data-wg has to take action before he does any more harm.
(otherwise i will have to take action my self) :grinning:

When you report a user that goes into the admin queue, and if it’s a DWG issue it’ll get thrown over the fence to us. However, the admins are volunteers, and sleep sometimes. If you email the DWG will see it immediately. We are volunteers too (and also sleep) so you might not get an immediate response, but we will at least see the message.

This latest account has been blocked in Revert completed** at

Apart from user blocks and data redactions, you can do anything that the DWG can…

** There were a few “have been edited by other users since” errors that could benefit from local checking:

cannot restore relation 5547389 to version 220 (put): 409 Conflict
cannot restore relation 5663318 to version 120 (put): 409 Conflict
cannot restore relation 5650924 to version 509 (put): 409 Conflict
cannot restore relation 400179 to version 310 (put): 409 Conflict
cannot restore way 1023356108 to version 2 (put): 409 Conflict
cannot restore way 295249834 to version 11 (put): 409 Conflict
cannot restore way 295795585 to version 10 (put): 409 Conflict
cannot restore way 452064934 to version 4 (put): 409 Conflict
cannot restore way 258950639 to version 8 (put): 409 Conflict

Blocked in

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Thank you for the quick reaction.
We will take care the conflicts.


There have been further edits, since 24th May. However, as an example, one of those deletions was of something added and then edited in detail by the same mapper. It doesn’t look like a normal “vandalism” story. Of the edits to that building, which is the correct one?

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Version 8 is fine.

OK, do you want to just “undelete” that? What about the other recent deletions?

OK, i will revert his recent changetsets, so this will be fixed too.
Thanks for letting us know.

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All changesets of Geminiani S from 24 May 2023 till 10 Jul 2023 have been reverted for vandalism (mass deletions).

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Δεν ξέρω ακριβώς αν λέγεται βανδαλισμός ή κακοσχεδιασμός κι ενώ μου έχει βγει ο κ@λος να σχεδιάσω τους αυτοκινητοδρόμους όσο πιο πιστά γίνεται, με καταγραφή από το GPS, έρχεται ο ακαλαίσθητος να βάλει το χέρι του και γίνει αυτή η… αηδία!!! Δεν θα μπω στον κόπο να ψάξω να βρω ποιος είναι, γιατί έδειξε βέβαιος πως θα προσφέρει βελτίωση, σε τέτοιο βαθμό που η έλλειψη αυτογνωσίας θα οδηγήσει σε τσακωμό.

Εδώ έχουμε το “φαινόμενο” κάποιος να έχει επέμβει και να έχει διαχωρίσει τα ρεύματα κυκλοφορίας των οδών Λαμίας, Τιτάνων, Αεροπορίας, Κόρης, δρόμους στους οποίους υπάρχει ενιαίο οδόστρωμα χωρίς διαχωριστική νησίδα.
Το είχα ξανασυναντήσει στο παρελθόν αυτό το ίδιο φαινόμενο, το οποίο διόρθωσα χωρίς περαιτέρω συζήτηση. Υπέθεσα πως αυτός που το έκανε δεν ήξερε πως να θέσει τους περιορισμούς στροφών και ήταν ευκολότερο να δημιουργήσει 2 ρεύματα κυκλοφορίας.

@ika-chan : I know that you know nothing about these, you are only after me!