Log Out / Switching between users

Today itā€™s rather difficult to switch between different users on community.osm.org. When Iā€™m logged in as user A, then hit ā€œLog Outā€, then try log on again with another user B, Iā€™m immediately logged on with my previous user A. Switching users is only possible if I also manually hit up osm.org, and log off there as well.

Discource offers a config setting to define a ā€œlog out redirectā€. This should point to the Rails logout screen, and ideally, once I have confirmed that I want to log out, it would take me back to community.osm.org.

Unfortunately, the following isnā€™t working yet as a logout redirect URL (referer can only point to an URL on www.openstreetmap.org), but that would be the ideal way for the described use case:


NB: Maybe Logout | OpenStreetMap could also offer an additional ā€œCancel logoutā€ option, and take users to the referer page without logging them off, if they donā€™t want to do so.

Reported via Umzug auf community.openstreetmap.org Discourse (war Ende des Forums) (Page 5) / users: Germany / OpenStreetMap Forum - use case: environments with shared computers.

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I really donā€™t think people would expect logging out here to log them out on openstreetmap.org but then I also donā€™t think we should be encouraging people to post here under multiple identities!

Ok, fair enough. Iā€™ve posted a link to this discussion in the old forum, so people know this isnā€™t going to happen. Thanks for the feedback!

User reported back that they didnā€™t know they need to go to osm.org and log off there as well. I think we can close this one, no further action needed.