From my observations, a good amount of new topics under #general are about #tagging, it’s even more in the #help-and-support one. The difference is discussions about tagging and support and help request about it.
Is there already a need for “Tagging” to have it’s own (sub)category?
(One feature, Six mappers and still More ways to map it)
Vielleicht verstehen manche user “help and support” zu eng, wenn sie “nur allgemeiner” über das tagging diskutieren möchten.
Für mich gehören alle Fragen zum Tagging, egal ob allgemein oder ganz konkret, in die Kategorie #help-and-support . Ich würde es aber begrüßen, wenn #help-and-support Subkategorien bekommt:
#mapping : wie erfasse ich Daten vor Ort, wie benutze ich diesen oder jenen Editor, wo finde ich ein bestimmtes Menü oder eine Einstellung
gern auch für jeden Editor eine eigene Subkategorie
#apps : Tipps und Tricks zu Apps auf dem Smartphone
und vielleicht noch mehr …
Was nicht einfach ist: eine sinnvolle Struktur zu finden die trotzdem übersichtlich bleibt.
The “tagging” mailing list was split off from the main “talk” mailing list years ago so that “how to tag X” conversations didn’t swamp all the others. I suspect that will need to do the same, so that people can pick and choose what they’re interested in.
It’s something that many other OSM spaces do (Slack, Discord among others), and I’m sure that it’d be beneficial here too.
Is both general discussions and help & support happening together on the tagging mailing list or just support?
(One feature, Six mappers and still More ways to map it)
Was verstehst Du unter “general discussion” und “support” in Bezug auf tagging? Ich kenne die tagging-mailing-list nicht, aber was ich aus Diskussionen aus dem bisherigen deutschen Forum über Tagging kenne, ist immer auch in irgendeiner Weise support. Von daher mein Vorschlag, dies als Subkategorie zu #help-and-support zu sehen
It’s both “how to tag X” and also more general discussions about tagging, rendering, and which things below in OSM and which don’t. Here’s the topics this month so far:
65 Feature Proposal - RFC - highway=scramble
24 Layers (was Eruvs etc.)
22 RFC: Removal of Eruvs from OSM, and further boundry=religious
14 Feature Proposal - RFC - migration to use belarusian as default language in Belarus for tagging
12 Feature Proposal - RFC - Require proposal announcements to be made on the new forum instead of the mailing list
11 parking conditions on separately mapped parking areas / harmonise access and parking:condition tags
11 Is tracktype=grade1 surface=compacted a valid combination?
10 incline=up_and_down
7 Literal translation of street names
7 Concrete vs concrete:plates should we simplify?
6 Motorcycle taxis, pedicabs
6 Feature Proposal - RFC - site_type=defensive_settlement
6 Feature Proposal - RFC - Move proposal voting from wiki to the new forum
6 addr:town
5 Layers
4 Use of crossing:island where crossings and islands are mapped separately
4 Is it man_made=water_tap?
4 Feature Proposal - RFC - Training
3 workflow or ergonomic problem (was: RFC: Removal of Eruvs from OSM, and further boundry=religious)
3 Feature Proposal - RFC - settlement_type=crannog
If there is a group of people who is willing to oversee and moderate a space like this, I would recommend to create a new category request over #site-feedback:new-category-requests
Happy to support with the transition of existing messages or any additional configuration.
I think it would be great to get some input from @Richard as he is currently admin of the tagging mailing list.
(One feature, Six mappers and still More ways to map it)
Ich fragte Dich, worin Du den Unterschied siehst?
Nun denn, recht vielen Beiträgen in General talk haben als Schlagwort tagging, aber in den Beiträgen geht es nicht um ein konkretes tagging, sondern um Verfahren: wie und wo dikutieren wir, wie und wo stimmen wir ab … Solche Beiträge sind natürlich General talk
Es muss letztendlich darum gehen, das Forum übersichtlich zu halten. Einerseits gute und aussagekräftige Kategorien, damit nicht zu viele Postings in einer Kategorie durcheinander sind, andererseits nicht zu viele Kategorien, um die Struktur übersichtlich zu halten.
Und manchmal sind die Grenzen fließend zwischen verschiedenen Kategorien und auch verschiedenen Themen innerhalb eines Beitragsfadens. Ich persönlich empfinde es eher als störend und verwirrend, wenn zu früh, zu restriktiv und zu oft Themen gesplittet und/oder verschoben werden.
Aber ja - die Balance zu finden ist eine schwierige Aufgabe.
Please no. Keeping a Q & A section or site under control and useful, requires not allowing discussion (and particularly not on tagging) and following a, big surprise, Q&A format. Or if you are more familiar with it, stackoverflow-like rules.
indeed, “tagging” can be a lot of different things, people asking how to tag A where the tags are already well established, are the kind of questions for “help”, while those areas where there are problems with the established tags or no tags are established for A, are those that are typically discussed on the tagging ML, and these do not belong into the “help” section.
I think @SomeoneElse has hit the nail on the head: we set up the tagging@ list so that it didn’t overwhelm the discussion on talk@, and I suspect that could happen here too.
There are two main (related) types of discussion on the tagging@ list. One is “how do I tag x?”, and the other is “I’m writing to tell you about a new tag I’m proposing on the wiki”. It might be worthwhile splitting them into two topics here - maybe “tagging-help” and “new-tags” or something like that.