Moving to the new forum for proposals and voting

Personally, I am very happy that most of discussion happens here, in a single topic or in several topics, the ML, any number of other places, and NOT on the wiki talk page. So the talk page can serve to keep record of eminent talking points, issues and solutions. I still think, a change in the wording in the proposal process on where to discuss might be out of scope of this proposal here. Have to heart post above now :slight_smile:

Reddit used to have an actual discussions in the past, and still maybe have them on less overrun subreddits and among people using old.reddit interface.

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Great, I will see how to change the wording in the proposal. Good that you mention that it is not clear, I think it also caused some of the confusion others have. Glad we understand each other now.

I made some changes to: Proposed features/Require proposal announcements to be made on the new forum instead of the mailing list - OpenStreetMap Wiki

I tried to clarify that I only want to change the place where we announce RFC and votes. Like in the current proposal process. The wiki talk page is the main discussion platform. Discussion on the tagging mailing list and the forum are currently optional and will remain optional until somebody make another proposal to change that.

If it is still now clear let me know

I just tried to watch the tagging tag in the General category and found that this isn’t possible, tags look to only be watched/subscribed/notified globally throughout Discourse. Looking at the global usage of tagging tag, many of those threads are much more “how to” than RFCs and proposals. In contrast the rfc tag is much more scoped, but not necessarily limited to tagging-related RFCs.

I’m not sure that there is an actual problem here, but as this forum becomes more heavily used it would be handy to be able to watch/get-notified-on a more-specific tag to reliably track proposal discussions without wading through all of the how-to posts.

How about using a more specific tag, like tagging-rfc?


I noticed that too. That is why in the the proposal I propose to use the tag wiki-proposal. A tag for rfc and vote announcements

@Discostu36 Proposals on wiki are not always about tagging, see my proposal for example. Also, do you then also want to introduce tagging-vote for vote announcements? The advance of a single, multi purpose tag like wiki-proposal is that people only need to follow a single tag.

But not all proposals are about tagging. So maybe tagging-proposal?

So you want tagging-proposal for proposals about tagging and for example meta-proposal for other wiki proposals? Or do I understand wrong?

You understand correctly. Well, I don’t “want” it, it’s just an idea.

If I reply or follow-up to a post having a #[discourse-tag], does the reply or follow-up inherit the #discourse-tag?

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The tags apply to the whole topic.

What would be the advantage of separating tagging proposals from other proposals with different tag? Wouldn’t one tag (like wiki-proposal) be more convenient? And for more finegrained separation, we could add a second tag. We can have more than one tag for a topic, can’t we?

Yes we can and that is what the proposal currently says. I also had a discussion on the talk page about that. For both rfc and vote announcements we can use the tag wiki-proposal. Additionally I can ad rfc and vote to the respective announcement templates.

I would also say that as I find it reasonably easy, but it seems that regular users often have trouble with it. On top of that, the anti-spam filter doesn’t allow registration from a whole lot of IP ranges (like in Poland - T-Mobile). The latter is embarrassing.

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This needs to be treated as a transition rather than an immediate swap. My suggestion:

Stage 1:
Immediate (after a proposal, using current rules, for this process has been accepted)

  1. Set up proposals sub-community
  2. Keep mailing list as mandatory place to announce proposals, but add forum as additionally recommended in proposal process.

Stage 2:
After 3-6 months, and assuming the new sub-community is gaining traction.

  1. Set proposal sub-community to automatically send notification email to tagging mailing list when new topic is posted in that forum (but not follow up replies though to avoid duplications). Edit template to clearly show the proposal has come from the forum (to allow people to find initial/main discussion).
  2. Change proposal process rules to allow posting of proposals on forum only, but keep the mailing list as the required, default option. Since 2.1 is in place, posting on the forum now counts as posting on mailing list.

Stage 3:
After 6-12 months, and assuming the new sub-community has gaining significant traction amongst community and any significant issues are resolved.

  1. Set the forum as the required place for posting proposal announcements. Still allow discussions on tagging mailing list but proposals must be announce in the forum.
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Just FYI, there is an open question about having a tagging-only space in these forums where potentially this proposal (and others) could be tested. Currently it would need a group of people willing to moderate the category and make the request:

Do you think wiki (tag) proposals can go under this tagging category? If we use a distinct tag for wiki proposals only, people can follow that without us having the request a new sub community for proposals/votes

That’s up to the community to decide, I personally don’t have a strong opinion.

In general it’s always recommended to start with tags and then create subcategories if traffic is high.

Good one. Didn’t think of it this way