This topic should serve as wiki to document the current conclusions of the first action point “Tagging topic” and this preface could be removed …
How to organise EuroVelo routes
we have an emergent consensus on having one sub-relation per daily section (see the EV17 example)
we have another emergent consensus on having branches managed at the national level, and more generally national routes that rely on EuroVelo as a backbone, as independent relations using the same daily sections (
as for the EuroVelo relations and their structure, a debate is ongoing between:
- a “flattened” version currently exemplified by EV17 (no national relations in the structure, only the daily sections from EuroVelo and the parent relation).
- a version with national segments in the relation hierarchy (children of the EV relations, parents of the daily sections)
Tagging of the superrelation
Currently not even a conclusion and not complete (but I’m sure we will find a consensus):
ref=17 #as proposed by @Richard and supported by @Idrizza, currently used in icn_ref
name=Rhône Cycle Route
official_name:en=EuroVelo 17 - Rhone Cycle Route # if needed
type=superroute #or only route, discussion in a separate topic
Tagging of the segments
Tagging of stages
- An emerging consensus on not numbering daily sections.