Most of the problems here arise from the lack of a clear (or too broad) definition of a Path.
I found this discussion (among others) to summarize the issue well:
There is a clear difference between a Way and a Path, as seems to be the concensus here in the thread. What I’m looking for is a Way, a possibility to pass between two key points (i.e. a saddle and a peak, through a narrow safe pass). There are quite some cases like this that I came across. Some are marked by metal/wooden poles, some by cairns. Meaning someone had put enough effort to mark the route for others. I would like to be able to see this on the map, whether or not the path is actually visible on the ground or if it differs from the surrounding area.
As mentioned elsewhere, one of the main reasons for this is routing. However, I found Orux, which can also include straight-line segments in a route, and then provide the total length and a time estimate. So that problem is handled, let’s say.
Another problem lies in the quote you mention: " there needs to be a not insignificant group". What is a “non insignificant group”? From what I’ve seen, there have been people going on these routes, writing about it on the touring portals, setting up the cairns, or posting on their web sites. I can’t say how many, but they have gone a route that was obviously safe enough to bring them back to write about it.
I agree. What I can say from the field is that I followed the most logical route back, and ran into the cairns. Obviously, the route was clear to someone else before me, too.
I agree, but that really depends on the definition of a Path. There are already tags for visibility and other path features, which give away the impression that mapping paths in this way is possible.
Thanks for your feedback. So far I haven’t seen any of my questions answered and I’m leaning to taking it as a lack of interest in discussion, really, and more as a “my way or the highway” type of mentality.
“It sounds”? You may as well look at the photos yourself or ask here. I was there three days ago.
That is true. However, the path was deleted quoted “knowledge” as the source. Now, after being on the ground, it seems that this “knowledge” source has holes and its relevance is questionable.