Откаты правок

Мне @chnav написал что не каментирую правки и их откатить надо , тогда все удаленные вернутся мусором и будет долго грузиться . На навигаторе будут только значки без слоя.
Так что придумайте скрипт какой для сортировки.
Я не могу писать каменты так как не знаю что писать.

Что значит, не знаешь что писать?
Что менял/вносил в правке, то и опиши кратко.

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Ну когда массово удалять пишу ошибка , это не правильно ?
Так как точки границ совпадают с линиями речек и улиц , при изменении получается разрыв , и не делают отношения .

Не понимаю. Давай пример.
Если такое исправляешь, то и пиши не просто ошибка, а “разделение границ полигона и линии реки” например.

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Я не умею ссылки делать на гайд чайнджсета .

В Крыму попорчены Российские границы

Я не умею ни править, ни откатывать, да и учиться мне поздно - пенсионер. Может кто поправит, пожалуйста.

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В Южном федеральном округе отсутствует ссылка на Автономную республику Крым, Севастополь и Крым стали UA вместо RU, ГО Красноперекопск стал UA и сменил имя.

И куда только модераторы слоя дорог смотрят…

А вот и скорее всего коллега

Changeset: 141889959 | OpenStreetMap — Это типа признание DWG: “Я устал, ямухожук”?

И еще функционеры появились Changeset: 142102138 | OpenStreetMap
А вот и госпожа Бердникова откомментировала свою точку зрения Changeset: 142084899 | OpenStreetMap

И снова тоже самое. Changeset: 143340008 | OpenStreetMap - опять в UA, и чуть раньше от того же пользователя - правки по Симферополю аналогичные.

I didn’t know about existence Republic of Crimea until now. There’s a chance people don’t know about it and confuse it with Autonomous Republic of Crimea Relation: ‪Автономна Республіка Крим‬ (‪72639‬) | OpenStreetMap. Because it exists only among russian society, I’d suggest to remove this relation completely from the global map, espesially because it’s mapped onto territory of the another country.

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I have no idea what the Autonomous Republic of Crimea is, maybe some historical name. When I wanted to go on vacation, I was looking for hotels in the Republic of Crimea. I studied the local legislation, it turned out to be Russian, I didn’t find a single fact pointing to another country. :wink:

There is a lot of outdated information on the OSM map, most recently corrected place=locality, which was abandoned a long time ago and now there are not even traces of the historical place.
Personally, I prefer “Truth on the Ground” rule, fortunately in this case it is one.

What a shame, let’s help other to be a little less ignorant too:


Human rights situation in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the
City of Sevastopol, Ukraine, 31 August 2023

What does TOTG mean in case of an administrative division? A sign near the road at the border of the place?

This rule primarily means that if I want to buy a house or a car in Crimea, then I will register the transaction with a Russian government agency. If I start a business there, I will pay taxes to the Russian treasury (and, of course, I cannot do business without registering an organization under Russian law). And if I want to buy milk in a store, I will give Russian rubles, not Ukrainian hryvnia. If I want to find out the population in a certain area in the Crimea, then this information is available in the Russian statistical office. These and many other factors influence the TotG.

If company X single-handedly decides anyone should get “permission” to build a house or start a business in Village N — it doesn’t mean Village N should be mapped as property of the company X. It is known as racketeering.

In Turkey I used to pay in both Turkish lira and US dollars — it doesn’t mean something should be mapped as the part of the USA because of this.

There are some documents about flat Earth too. Should we remap osm as the flat Earth, because there are some documents that some people like to believe in?

I didn’t really understand the example. In this case, we are talking about the country and all the people who have chosen this power decide. If you have racketeers in your city, call the police.

In Turkey, this may be a legal payment method. Russian laws apply in Crimea, as it is the territory of Russia. Any other currency can only be exchanged at banks or exchange offices. Even if the seller agrees to accept another currency, then most likely this amount will already be in rubles in the documents.

I can answer the same thing: if one thing is written in some documents and another in others, then you can come to the place to make sure which document is false or contains outdated information. This is what “Truth on the ground” rule is called.

Let’s consider a real-world example if the analogy is hard to understand: some criminal (claimed by The International Criminal Court) signed some papers, which led to the fact that in Crimea the situation is “if somebody want to buy a house or a car in Crimea, then I will register the transaction with a Russian government agency. If I start a business there, I will pay taxes to the Russian treasury”. Alas, there is no police analogue in the world for this case.

At first you stated, that payment currency determines belonging of the territory. Now you are saying th opposite — belonging of the territory determines a legal payment method. And FFS, how is the payment method defines administrative division? This makes no sense.

We are talking about “administrative division” — you can’t “come to the place to make sure” because there is no such a thing as “this sq. miles of the land are named Wonderful-Republic-Crimea-Call-It-By-Any-Name” marked on the surface of the earth.

All I am saying is these examples couldn’t be applied as “Truth on the ground”.

Ну и чем вам мешает иметь два отношения границ? Для чего вы хотите удалить одно из них? Две страны претендуют на спорную территорию - ну вот и пусть каждая из них имеет по своему комплекту. А пользователи карт сами решат какая из них им нужнее.

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