България в Шенген

Трябва ли да има barrier=border_control, в случай че реално бариери и контрол вече няма? В ЕС тези тагове някъде ги има, някъде - не. Тук ги има - Node: ‪Bratislava - Rajka‬ (‪3497525775‬) | OpenStreetMap.

Maybe this should be discussed on a Schengen-area level? A quick overpass query shows that there are very few nodes with that tag in central Europe (mostly land border crossings, but also some at airports and railway stations). Maybe these land border crossings haven’t been updated yet. I know for sure that at the Rajka crossing, the buildings were there but there was no passport control when I passed it 2.5 years ago. The Schengen zone countries do have the right to introduce temporary border controls, but these don’t necessarily take place at the border.

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