The "OSM Standard tile layer" looks wrong (white lines, abusive comments etc.)

Yes, the OWG (Operations Working Group) had already improved a couple of things in response to past incidents. My subjective selection of what I noticed and found as an outside observer:


  • rate limiting for
    • signup requests
    • changeset comments
    • edits
  • account deletion cool-down period


  • daily low zoom (0-12) render (chef#627, chef@6410e8b)
  • switched to osm2pgsql expiry and osm2pgsql-replication (operations#987)
    • should fix almost all previous edge cases, where some changes hadn’t expired affected Metatiles on the render server, especially:
      • relation changes
      • ways crossing without nodes (relevant here)
    • unfortunately, as more tiles get expired now, the servers odin and ysera can’t really handle the increased load, which has been an issue here

Many thanks to the OWG for your work and the constant improvements!


Bravo, sir: that does seem a, or even the, correct time, place and manner (to own / direct such a major sluice gate of data). If we ever find ourselves in that future, that is. So, thank you for a revealing place to introduce what in a radio broadcast or national uplink feed, might be the 15-second (10-second, one hour…) delay.

There truly are times, places and manners to do this (bulk processing, including or only delay, of live, big data). Does OSM have the computational, automation, human “sift through things” intelligence resources (to discern GDPR-ness) to do this now? It seems not, as having / providing sophisticatedly-processed planet diffs is described as “one shiny day, far in the future,” not now.

Maybe there is something I don’t understand, but that sounds like starting with a false premise and basing something upon it, so I’m confused. I’m impressed with learning that “this would be the way to do it, with a slight delay to planet diffs…” is the sort of sluice gate that it is. I like learning new things. API and Rendering tactics, neat-o. I’m sure there’s more and that’s awesome.

Pigs likely don’t fly (it does seem like deep computation or human evaluation on a lot of incoming data) so now that we know a good “choke point” how do we generate these magical diffs? How do we discover bad actors and vandalism? These are highly related and a lot of great work by genuine heroes in our project who cleverly fit certain pieces of it together and the whole effort of “Shields up!” makes real differences. I once again salute those who defend our data with serious, effective ongoing efforts.

It is worth it to do so. I also glean that it is a fair bit of effort on our part. Keep it up, everyone and thank you. We all play a part in this. Good discussion about this is healthy. The multi-pronged, plastic, flexible, nimble, smart, clever, stay ahead of bad actors approach is working. And while there might be no rest for the wicked (bad actors, vandals…) there is no rest for the vigilant. I love that so many of us care so deeply about our project.

It’s really strange to read the code discussion and commit taking place in Dec-2023 but only seeing the effect on 0-12 zoom in the last week and Ctrl+F5 IS my go-to to get a stale cache refresh.

6 posts were split to a new topic: Personal Information and GPDR

Low-zoom tiles are processed through the “bulk” queue and the graph confirms that they are indeed rendered daily since December:

“bulk” queue (European servers)

Ctrl+F5 will get you the latest tiles, so I don’t know what that might have been if you weren’t.

Thanks for checking this out. Wild guess since there was talk of ‘European servers’, there’s more places data & tiles are stored in redundancy and something was not replicating to the servers at which I’m hooked from Italy. Anyway, it’s solved, yesterday’s work showed up in hi-up helicopter view this morning to decide which next area to attack… this snip should show up bright green where there’s lots of white space…many new nodes in the past 2 days.
500m view

Hi, I hope I am wrong, but it looks like this guy is at it again…

Changesets by Rubbet P | OpenStreetMap

changesets comments from streetcomplete, but all this Andy Townsend ***** edits from iD

1 Like

Promptly reverted by woodpeck here:


Looks like it has all been reverted again. sub 20 minutes

Just noticed new cross line entries at 30 meter zoom only over Riserva D’Annunzio, Pescara but also see woodpeck running reverts. Maybe a little extra bytes to his machine with instructions to delete all at, vandalism I would turn a blind eye to.

Moderation: Map image with inappropriate and offensive street names removed

still more on here, 37°27’04.8"N 13°53’24.5"E

I report the same problems today in province of Québec, Cananda

Moderation: Map image with inappropriate and offensive street names removed

I can’t think of many scenarios where dragging a node hundreds/thousands of kilometers away is needed. Perhaps this could be considered as a restriction for new users? If this has been discussed before, I might have missed it.

For the users here, I would suggest to not attach screenshot containing the slurs. To know how to check if the problem is still present read this message.


Sadly, multiple Ctrl+F5 ain’t working momentarily… the edit’s I did in the last few hour wont appear. The ? query shows the items are in, so \o/

Yes because there has a large volume of edits and some of the render servers are still catching up - please be patient and all will be well in time.


Before reporting here please check if the error still exists by verifying with data-layer if it’s only a render-not-catching-up-problem or if data is really corrupted.


I’ve just reverted 3 more vandal accounts just now, blocked here, here and here,


I do not think calling these blatant acts of vandalism “infant” or “childish” will achieve anything with the person behind them. Though, eventually, they might be spot on!

What do you suggest we call it? The actions of a great fat useless spawny eyed parrot faced wassock? **

An outline of the story is above; to add to that we asked the person concerned to discuss in their community forum. The members there were against the edits. This was ignored, the person made the edits anyway, and the DWG acted on the complaints that we received.

** by Tony Capstick, RIP

You shortened the quote - I am fine with calling them that. I even prefer that above “cyber security threat” as got mentioned before. I fully understand your anger at being harassed such way. In my eyes that should count a criminal offence and the OSMF required to redact (hide from history) both the edits and the reverts.