Reporting abuse via map editing

I am reporting abuse via map editing because there seems to be no dedicated channel to do so.

My local area in Berlin now has a fictitious street named "XXXX XXXX ". See screenshot:

Moderation: Map image with inappropriate and offensive street names removed

Moreover, I could not “query” this “feature” using the little arrow/question-mark icon.

Here is a nearby URL (and you need to zoom in too):

Can someone deal with this. Much appreciated in advance. R

As far as i know, the changesets already have been reverted

Siehe auch AKTUELL (16.05.2024): Neue Vandalismuswelle - Straßen kreuz und quer mit beleidigenden Namen (Deutsch)

See also
The "OSM Standard tile layer" looks wrong (white lines, abusive comments etc.) - #105 by CasGroenigen (international thread)