Tasking Manager: Monthly update blog - November, 2022

Are you excited for the new roadmap of Tasking Manager?

If yes, here’s how you can also be a part of it by contributing from your side. If you are a user of the HOT Tasking Manager, we would like to ask for your input in this form in EN and FR by the end Thursday 15th of December! After the deadline the input received from everyone will be consolidated and shared! Please do share the form with relevant users in your networks as well.

And now, Let’s go over some of the highlights from November. If you haven’t read our previous blog. It’s available here.

:loudspeaker: So, what happened in November?

If you have loved using the WYSIWYG/markdown editor that we implemented in 4 different areas:

  1. Project’s Questions and Comments section
  2. Task’s status update section (both mapping and validation)
  3. Task history section (by clicking on the first icon on the tasks list)
  4. Message team members section

We have good news! There is a new image upload icon in the toolbar just for you. Check it out and leave us your input :slightly_smiling_face:.

Similarly, when mapping, do you often confused about what types of mapping(roads, buildings, waterways, etc.) a project has after getting to the task action page(the page where you provide a status for the task)?

If yes, the worry is over now, the latest version of Tasking manager has added info about the types of mapping a project has in the task action page so that users don’t have to go back to the project detail page to see the info.

In addition, the Explore Projects section will now have projects marked as difficulty level rather than the mapper level. So, “Beginner Mapper”, “Intermediate Mapper" and “Advanced Mapper” terminologies are replaced with “Easy”, "Moderate” and “Challenging” based on the difficulty level of project.

Also, have you ever wondered about the Update Now button that appears once in a while?

Please find the answer here :eyes:. And apart from these, few members of our team are also working around:

Exploring strategies for enhancing data quality in the Tasking Manager.

The importance of improving the quality of OpenStreetMap goes beyond convenience. In particular, tags related to impact areas in disasters and social issues can provide valuable information for emergency responders, policy makers, and other stakeholders. So, we are exploring the idea of enabling data quality measurement through automation. By processing OpenStreetMap changesets in near-real time and producing data quality evaluations, mappers can immediately receive feedback on their edits and make necessary improvements. In addition, it can also produce reports for project managers as a valuable insight into identifying areas where improvements are needed.

Below are some in-progress ideas:

Before uploading

Prior to uploading changes to the map, users will be shown with feedback regarding the mapping, highlighting any issues with geometry and tagging.

While uploading (live)

Project managers can see the live data quality results of a project which can further be used to adjust the project configuration, such as limiting the available tags and the information presented to contributors.

We would appreciate your valuable feedback on these ideas. And lastly, here are some other updates that you might be interested on:

  1. Search Functionality in Manage Operations #5380
  2. Update some styles for task selection page from Figma design #5404
  3. Display task instructions also when multiple tasks are selected #5424
  4. Add TM Version to database #5314
  5. [BUG] Can not create team in staging instance #5415
  6. [BUG] Frontend breaks after deleting a team #5414
  7. [BUG] CircleCI backend code check failing #5395
  8. Improve error handling during login #5413

Give us :+1: if you like the new updates.

What else happened beyond updates?

Our Senior Product Owner Ramya from HOT and our TM maintenance ninzas Aadesh and Hel from Kathmandu Living Labs participated in StateoftheMapAsia x Pista ng Mapa 2022 at Philippines. They had a session on “Tasking Manager: Needs Assessment” where great inputs have been received from the participants. Thanks to everyone and these inputs will be accessed further in the roadmap preparation process.

Upcoming events

  • Monthly collective meetup on Wednesday 14th December at 9:00 UTC or 15:00 UTC.

We hope to see you there :slightly_smiling_face: .

Wanna get involved?

• Join Slack: #tasking-manager or Matrix: here

• Visit Tasking Manager Github here to :

  • See the progress of a particular month on GitHub board
  • Request a bug fix or feature enhancement
  • Help us prioritize issues and feature requests

Thank you for using and helping Tasking Manager grow. Will see you in next month’s updates. Until then, keep mapping for people in need.

Namaste :pray: