Star party location tagging?

A location I am very familiar with recently had a tourism=viewpoint added to mark a location that amateur astronomers hold star parties. There is nothing at that location apparent to a visitor other than a parking lot and a building. I don’t think this is mapped properly and I left a change set comment to that effect. The change set in question is Changeset: 155630504 | OpenStreetMap

I have searched the wiki and turned up nothing. There is mention of star parties on a thread in the German section of this forum at Astronomische Karte / Map showing astronomical places but I don’t see tagging suggestions.

I’d like to give this mapper some suggestions as to possible good tagging rather than my current very blunt, “this looks wrong to me”.

So how should a star party location be tagged, especially if there is nothing on the ground (signs, etc.) that a member of the general public can identify or verify.


It is possible that it should not be mapped at all.

OSM is not exactly for mapping recurring events that have no traces on the ground.


Is the building connected with the astronomy at all?

If it is, maybe tag it with club=astronomy?

Possibly the same if they just meet at that spot every “Saturday” night?

Maybe keep tourism=viewpoint and add a direction=up? :grin:

No, the building is not associated with any astronomy group. It is owned by the US Forest Service building is used in winter for emergency services.

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To me it seems to be the best to give the parking lot a description=… where the name and URL of the star parties is mentioned.

Yes in principle, but I find it OK to mention anywhere that stargazer meet there occasionally. As there is already an URL with more info on the star parties, one can simply point there in order to keep OSM “tidy”.

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Is it? See Node: ‪Burning Man‬ (‪290062982‬) | OpenStreetMap

We generally only map things that are verifiable on the ground. We can deviate from these rules in cases that we deem important enough. It is possible that the local community have decided that “Burning Man” is important enough to warrant an exception from the rule; that does not automatically imply a license to map every no-traces-left-behind meeting spot.

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From Note: 4293377 | OpenStreetMap I see that it is at least disputed