A post was split to a new topic: Setup a favicon different to the OSM one
11 posts were split to a new topic: Hide or downsize icons
6 posts were split to a new topic: Hide suggested topics
Came across this cool discourse configuration today: https://community.viktor.ai
I really like the sidebar on the left. It allows for quick navigation and access to important links. Maybe an idea for this forum to.
See this
Sweet, looking forward to it
Just reading this thread for the first time, so apologies if this has already been discussed. I know this was only a very old example of how things could be migrated, but I notice the old OSM Communities listed for both Australia & New Zealand. Assuming current plans for migrating the old forums go through, how would they then integrate with the new “Oceania” community that is just being created? Would everything from both old spots go together into the new one?
I think you chose the wrong topic for your question - the migration issue had only been touched here in regard of the future design of this forum. To discuss further migration details you should check here.
As far as I am up to date, it should be possible to consolidate several “old” communities into a single “new” one upon request.
Thanks! Reposted over there.