First of all the tile usage policy would need a big red banner explaining that the tiles provided by the OSMF through are prone to vandalism attacks and may contain graphic language of the worst kind imaginable or also other forms of vandalism that render them totally unusable for any business or institutional use (think of the destroyed Tel Aviv last winter). The same applies for other free “offerings” by the OSMF, e.g. Nominatim geocoding and the like.
The problem right now is also that the tiles by the OSMF are the easiest way imaginable to get a message out to millions of people (through third parties that use the tiles from in a no effort whatsoever way for any bad actor (much easier than e.g. hacking the Truth Social account by an orange haired guy but still reaching the same size of audience on a first level). The recent vandalism (and the one from yesterday again with Retardville etc.) clearly shows that the “viewability” of OWG produced tiles should better be restricted to and and some whitelisted third party tools (JOSM etc) for mapping (where mappers see them to see what the current state of the data is).
Sometimes the handling of this still get the feeling of 2009 when OSM was small and had nearly no publicity. But in the post 2018 world OSM data is the biggest source of geographic data on our planet (viewed mostly through third party applications or providers like Facebook, Mapbox, Esri, etc.) so instead of spending resources on providing free infrastructure with the tile offering OSMF should rather focus on the core again - providing and protecting OSM data and supporting mappers.
The free tile offering - even if sponsored by Fastly - is actually resulting in at least three problems:
a) a heavier load on rendering servers as tile access is growing like crazy since the cdn moved from donated (and overloaded) servers to Fastly. You may see this problem in the spendings by the OWG on new tile renders in the last couple of years.
b) a huge problem if Fastly would pull out. Currently Fastly is sponsoring OSMF with their cdn service in ranges of a list price of 120k to 200k USD per month. This sponsoring is far bigger than any overall budget the OSMF has. As the old donated cdn servers got decommissioned, OSMF would currently even get into a huge problem in not being able to serve tiles to and QA or mapping tools if Fastly would pull out.
c) as @SomeoneElse stated the heavy usage of tiles from OSMF also results in heavy amounts of support requests against a) the OWG and b) the DWG while both practically relying on volunteers. With the new state of the world since 2022 and the resulting occurrences of large-scale vandalism attacks against (or into) OSM data, the DWG (and to some part the OWG) get’s more and more complaints by third parties that should not end up in their hands and overstretches any volunteers patience. Remember, practically everyone here is a volunteer (except the SRE) and if e.g. the DWG esp. with @SomeoneElse and @woodpeck and all others from the DWG and some more community members would not have fought endlessly against large-scale vandalism attacks in 2023, OSM would not exist anymore today. (Esp. with the attack in Israel last Nov/Dec that needed weeks of hard work to dissemble).
So yes, No. 3) of @SomeoneElse recommendations are really worth considering. Currently, OSMF acts like if Wikipedia would say: “hey, yes, you can download our data (this is what Wikipedia and OSM does), - and: where should we send the free 80+ servers you would need to host the wikipedia data?” (this is what OSMF currently does).