Retagging the Australian SES'es with emergency=disaster_response

I didn’t know that list, thanks for linking.

I asked the same question about the abbroviation about the German Technisches Hilfswerk in this German thread. On the surface finding the name of an organisation seems very easy. But if you look closer, you find something like this:

(source: THW)

“Bundesanstalt” means “federal agency”. Within a few centimeters of screen the offical website states 3 different versions of the name.

De-facto there seems to be consens on abbroviating the state name and spelling out the “State Emergency Service” in Australia. And since it is even documented in the wiki I could live with that, even when it is not my most favourite version.

Thanks fo doing so. :+1:
Like said, we are currently discussing some details about how to map different facilitys of the German THW. Once we have consensus on that I’d like to iniciate the same for the German THW.