Public access defibrilators (emergency=defibrillator)

I would like to increase the detail of tagging for AEDs and so have created this post for people to discuss and then maybe we can come up with a proposal and more documentation on the wiki.

Most public AED have a main colour of the housing to make them easy to see, unfortunately this isn’t standardised so i want to record the “main” colour. Usually it’s either yellow, orange or green but sometimes it’s transparent. I believe colour=* will be sufficient for this even though the defib itself isn’t necessarily this colour.

Some defibs have a glowing lamp on them or near them to make finding them easier. I would like to tag this with something like

defibrillator:lamp=no/green/red/yellow etc

Sign above
There’s often a small sign nearby, I would like to tag it’s presence but unsure how


Sometimes an AED is contained within an old telephone booth, with a cabinet inside the booth. The booth=* tag can document the type of both, eg K6. Not sure if any other tags are needed to indicate it is inside a booth. I would also like to document whether inside a telephone booth would mean inside=yes or no because I could go either way

Container cabinet/bag
Some AEDs are in a bag hanging on the wall (mostly indoors). Most outdoor AEDs are in a cabinet on a wall. There isn’t a tag currently to detail how it is mounted/contained


Cabinet type
There is already a tag for the type of cabinet but it doesn’t have much documentation or use


Wiki “Type of cabinet the defibrillator is stored in. Values could include vertical_door, horizontal_door, twist, mechanical or no”

I think the two door options are overkill and would like to use “door” as another option. I’m not sure what “mechanical” means

We need a tag to indicate if the cabinet is locked and if so how it is unlocked


Access public/private/ emergency call

Most are usable by members of the public but require a key code to access. I believe access=public is correct but there needs to be another tag to indicate you have to call a phone number

There is a tag to indicate which phone number you call, is it’s presence enough or do we need another tag ?


Some examples of different style defibrilators:

Round green no lock,_Tomasz%C3%B3w_Mazowiecki,_Poland.jpg

Yellow cabinet keypad
[ on front wall of Building in Bantry.jpg]( on front wall of Building in Bantry.jpg)

Phone box cabinet keypad
[ in a former phonebox, Bell Street, Princes Risborough, Buckinghamshire.jpg]( in a former phonebox, Bell Street, Princes Risborough, Buckinghamshire.jpg)

Totem pole orange sign
[ device at L10 Fengtai Railway Station (20210916154732).jpg]( device at L10 Fengtai Railway Station (20210916154732).jpg)

Green keypad Lamp

access=yes seems more standard across OSM, though access=public is not really bad

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Opening Hours
As another user pointed out on the mailing list we also need some way of tagging that the opening hours of the AED are restricted by a building that it is accessible through
Perhaps something like?

opening_hours=inherited or something similar maybe?

restricted does not make clear why

Or just copy opening hours?

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I’ve tended to say access=customers to imply this. Maybe opening_hours:inheritance to be filled in like an operator tag?

I suppose the “proper” way using just existing tags might be to create a site relation and put the hours on the site for all affected amenities (including the toilets etc), but that starts getting unwieldy very quickly.

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