Proposed Import: Lynchburg Virginia Area Addresses


Following in the footsteps of @pmfox’s Rockbridge County Virginia Address Import, I am proposing a very similar import to be done for an area adjacent to that one. This import uses the same state dataset as Peter’s, and also uses the same scripts by @tekim used to process the data (thanks Mike! they worked great!).

While the scope of this proposed import is 3 counties instead of one, it will be carried out by a team of local Lynchburg mappers (myself included) using a shared OSM account created for this task. I have also split the data using QGIS into 400 batches of roughly 2-5 square miles- the median batch size is 115 addresses though the largest batch has 1,783 due to the varying density. This size should allow for a quick processing speed per batch, especially in rural areas where density and data conflicts are at a minimum.

The processed data can be found in this Google Drive folder, including a map for the 400 batches and their approximate size.

Here is the Wiki page- let me know your feedback, and feel free to reference the previous Rockbridge import for previously discussed issues and methodology- I have heavily referenced that thread for this import.


You are very welcome! I am glad they are being used and are of value. If you need any tweaks, please let me know. Like @pmfox 's project, this seems like a worthwhile endevor.

This sounds like a good plan vs. an “all at once” approach.

Might be better if everyone had their own import account, then if there are questions later the specific mapper will be notified of any changeset comments? But I am not sure…

I’m not sure what official standards are, but at maximum it would only be three of us. The DWG representative who approved the increased rate limit appeared to be fine with it!