Proposed import: Hoppin points

The Flemish MOW department has asked if we could provide info about the new Hoppin points in OSM. Basically, Hoppin points are places that facilitate going from one transportation mode to the next. For example there might be at least two of: bus stop, train station, bicycle parking or rental, car sharing, …
These are clearly branded with the Hoppin logo, which always should feature a sort of central column (information point). The current idea is to simply import these columns as points. In the future, the various modes that belong to the Hoppin point could be joined in a site relation.

There is a WFS server where all the data can be downloaded and easily filtered based on the status (we only want the ones that actually exist): &OUTPUTFORMAT=JSON&TYPENAMES=hoppin:hoppinpunt&SRSNAME=urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG:31370

A proposed tagging schema is available here. I would definitely add something like ref:hoppin with the identifier from the official source, to make future automated edits easier.
EDIT: this proposal for amenity=mobility_hub seems like a very good fit

Since it is just the import of nodes, there are hardly points mapped yet (for lack of a data model until now), and the data is very new (and I’ve been told quite precise), this could be a relatively easy import. I propose a simple data conversion script and then a bulk import with JOSM.

Any thoughts & comments?

Hi Joost, I have two questions:

A large portion of the ‘Hoppinzuilen’ is of the digital type (see image). I believe information=map to be an incorrect tag to describe these columns. I think information=terminal is a better fit for these electronic, interactive points. Especially given the fact that the interactive signs display realtime bus information.

Secondly, are you sure about the quality of the data? I know of a Hoppinzuil that is at least a couple of months old, but is not in the dataset. Also, there seem to be some points which don’t have their type correctly set.

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Thanks for the feedback!
Regarding data quality - everyone always thinks their data is perfect, I only have the owner’s word on it that the data quality is good. If you could send me the specific cases (PM is OK), then I can send it to the data owner for some feedback.

Berlin has a concept which sounds similar: Jelbi mobility stations (see photos at the bottom of the page). They are tagged with amenity=mobility_hub. See e.g. Way: ‪Jelbi-Station U Nollendorfplatz‬ (‪984054374‬) | OpenStreetMap. Maybe thatʼs a tag for you to consider.

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Makes sense. According to the city of Leuven, their Hoppin locations have been funded via an European initiative (Shared & Digital Mobility Hubs ShareDiMobiHub | Interreg North Sea). And is all about ‘mobility hubs’.
It would be good to get in touch with the OSM’s of Norway, Denmark and The Netherlands (and even others) to align. These countries also participate in this European project.