I am proposing a bulk removal of the brand:wikipedia
tag from United States POIs.
Problem Statement
is no longer automatically maintained by iD and thus is likely to become out of date over time. In the words of @Minh_Nguyen:
“if there’s any mismatch between the
is almost guaranteed to be wrong.”
provides no additional data not already provided for inbrand
, which are maintained in Name Suggestion Index and updated automatically by iD. As iD updates the other two brand tags,brand:wikipedia
remains untouched. Thebrand
tag provides a human-readable brand name, so there is no need to keepbrand:wikipedia
around merely for human readability. -
The existence of this tag on current objects creates an implied need for mappers to maintain them, when such maintenance is useless work when it can just be removed and mappers can focus on more important work.
Removing this tag removes the risk that an unaware data consumer will consume the
tag and ingest wrong information from OSM.
When tagging a brand (let’s use the most American example, McDonald’s), iD allows you to select a preset for that brand in the “Feature Type” pull-down:
Selecting “McDonald’s” automatically populates six tags on that POI, as follows:
Thus, brand information is expressed in two tags:
- The
tag, which is a human-readable text string containing the brand - The
tag, which points to the wikidata item for McDonald’s.
With this tagging, data consumers have a choice in consuming brand information: take the brand text string from the brand
tag, or query the wikidata item, from which they can follow links to various language wikipedias, download a logo icon, or obtain other linked information about the POI not normally kept in OSM.
From about a 3-year period from 2018-2021, an additional tag, brand:wikipedia
was also automatically added by iD via the Name Suggestion Index to POIs added by mappers, after which this behavior was discontinued. During this timeframe, 1.3 million brand:wikipedia
objects were added globally. Since this behavior was removed, brand:wikipedia
has been on a slow decline, as shown in this taginfo chronology:
Proposed Action
Via a series of geographically compact mechanical edits (for example, California alone has 22,000 cases of brand:wikipedia
and would take a minimum of three changesets), remove the brand:wikipedia
tag on all objects where a brand:wikidata
and brand
tag are already present.