Can Slice0 be banned from the forum already? We already banned them from Discord months ago and their behaviour is still very toxic, uncooperative and out of touch with the community.
Since some people here have concerns about the cultural inappropriateness of the popcorn emoji, I would like to chip in my personal opinion about the topic. As a person hailing from Vietnam, which is a developing country and had fought devastating wars with France and United States in history, I can confirm that the popcorn emoji is very culturally neutral. Also, it might be surprising to a few people, but we do made popcorns in Vietnam.
image source: Bà Tân Vlog làm nia bỏng ngô khổng lồ với chiếc vung chảo tự chế
But seriously, isn’t it that hard to just test the popcorn emoji for 2 weeks? This is a classic case of decision paralysis.
I see that the emoji is showing keen enthusiasm in the topic, maybe it is ok to add up.
Thank you for your support chatgpt spam account!
I know this has been fruitlessly argued about at length. But I’ll write this here as it seems the most relevant thread…
Regardless of whether is added as a reaction option, I regularly see comments essentially saying “Break out the popcorn for the drama”. On a silly discussion this is fine, but from my perspective this sentiment often makes me think of “the group in the corner, whispering and snickering at you on show-and-tell day”. They don’t take you seriously. They make you feel stupid for asking a question, expressing a concern, or sharing an idea you care about.
Please, before making a comment like this, read the room and consider the shaky newbie, dipping their toe into OSM and its community, who might feel ridiculed by it.
Bear in mind that this reaction may at times be entirely appropriate, in cases where a repeat offender doubles down over and over. Or in cases where someone doesn’t like the answer they got in another OSM communication space.
well 30 seconds after I made that comment this happened Regarding removeal of manoeuvre relation - Communities / Oceania - OpenStreetMap Community Forum it kind of validates it to be honest. You’re the only one that can see drama when its a fundamental flaw of the project. Believe me if I cared about what you or anyone thought of me on a personal level I would have left the project months ago. If you cant see I care about the map and the accuracy of the data then you are naive.
Popcorn for the popcorn monster.
At this point I think we need reaction for this thread itself…
This thread is an emoji reaction. But, I still I look forward to the day when we can have a proper reaction
This topic is now mostly a place where good examples of the usage of the emoji would be, in hopes exactly that it will be added per Brian’s request. I’m still uncertain though if I would support it.
I dunno, if that Swiftian reference appeared in Slack, I probably would respond with an or
(whichever comes first).
I had kept this thread for later, came back to it today because of this recent message, and have just read about the 60 first messages in the the thread.
As much as I like the popcorn emoji and I don’t concur to the reactions about cultural differences, I am more in love with your reiterated references to derailing the debate, and would sooner see a emoji for that (even if I understand that none exists so far). The problem I see about the popcorn emoji is that it can easily and efficiently be used in bad faith to derail debates, precisely.
There is a train track emoji: .
could be a positive version: “please help the debate stay on track”
The idea of a train wreck emoji, appeals more to me than a popcorn emoji.
The reaction is badly needed each time a new thread on path tagging is opened…