Problem with ID - text not showing

Hi. I’m adding houses with addresses to a village. Until yesterday everything was ok. Today when I switch to text it’s just empty even on the houses I already edited. If I draw new houses anyway with copy/paste and I change only number of the new house when I go back to check, all houses have the same number. I’m on Firefox.


I can confirm this.
Seems like an ID update messed up the text mode.
(Edit: It’s a known issue.)

If you enter something in text mode, all other tags will be removed/overwritten!

Edit: It’s even more serious! If you select any other object and just select the text input field, it’s tags will get overwritten too!


@TomH @tyr_asd

Ban Potlatch iD!!!11


Is this issue related to this?

Yes, the problem was introduced with ID version 2.26.1 (or 2.26.0). got updated to ID v2.26.1 last night.

Maybe should return to an old version until there is a new ID release.

I think that those involved (iD developers and site admins) are very aware of the issues and as far as I can see (from IRC/Github) are actively working to resolve them. I’d suggest just going outside with StreetComplete for a bit :slight_smile:

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First I’ve heard of it, but there’s not much I can do other than wait for the iD team to look at it.

Sorry for letting this bug slip through. I’m preparing a fix release for this now.


Dann werde ich mal eine kleine Pause beim Bearbeiten mit dem iD machen, bis ich höre, dass der Fehler behoben ist.

The fix should be live now.


Thank you. It works.

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Okay, das ging schnell. Dann werde ich doch keine iD-editier-Pause machen.