Potential Note Duplicates worldwide - September 2023 Update

The list was updated today again.

Additionally, there is now a marker for Notes that where created using “onosm.org”.

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Good morning!

The list has been updated regularly over the past few days and now gets done by an automatic process at 7am CE(S)T, so I don’t have to remember starting it :sweat_smile:

Thanks everyone for getting the count below 22k, great effort! Also, this has come a long way from the 30k+ we had little over half a year ago :slight_smile:

Hope everyone is having a great weekend!


Could you add a key for all of the superscript abbreviations on the wiki? Thanks!

Good morning everyone!

The list and the Wiki have been updated. As per @Graptemys suggestion, the superscript abbreviations are now explained before the list starts.

For ease of use, notes that aren’t currently accessible from osm.org directly (HTTP 500 error) because the creating user was deleted, got their opening comment extracted into a different wiki page, and the list links there.


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Good morning everyone.

The list has been updated and with a big help from @zluuzki we got rid of over 1,000 entries in Iran, pushing the total candidate number under 20k!

Good progress, thank you all!


The first post of this thread can no longer updated, for the continuation see: