Possible access to Qld Govt data

A while back, I mentioned that I’d sent a message directly to the Qld Premier asking if we could be allowed access to use all Qld Govt Open Data, & I just got a response from the Open Data Office!!!

In part, they’ve said:

"Rather than make assumptions about how to appropriately satisfy your request, I thought I would reach out to you to discuss the most direct way that we can attempt to attain the necessary variations from the standard CC By licences.

I am committed to having Queensland Government open data being used for the most public benefit, so if you’re available for a chat, online (we generally use Microsoft Teams) or in person (I’m assuming you are still based on the Gold Coast), I am happy to arrange something to help me to coordinate considerations by the right people as soon as possible"

OK, so what do we need to ask for?

Could it be as simple as a document saying that they grant OSM unrestricted use of all Qld Govt Open Data?

Also mentioned on Discord.

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to repeat what I’ve said on Discord.

Very positive! I’d would try to cover:

  • what is OSM, how it’s structured, contributors/data consumers, what is the OSMF and the LWG
  • OSM is licensed ODbL.
  • I’d cover the points at raised at Use of CC BY 4.0 licensed data in OpenStreetMap | OpenStreetMap Blog
  • I’d talk over the existing OSMF supplied waiver (which while is our prefered waiver terms, we may accept a variant of this with the same affect)
  • examples of government departments who’ve supplied the waiver
  • examples of how government departments, then use OSM as a data consumer
  • I’d ask about their structure of departments and where the open data office fits in. do they provide advise/guidance to other departments?
  • give examples of TMR, QPWS who’ve completed the waiver
  • which data we’d like to use which isn’t covered at the moment
  • I’d run through the documents we have from Department of Resources, where we have some wording from them but not the OSMF waiver, and the points raised by OSM members about it
  • discuss what we can do to better support them to unlock more QLD data for use by OSM

Importantly we’d need to understand where the Open Data Office fits, if they can provide a QLD wide waiver, or it still needs to come from each Department, and what kind of guidance/direction they may be able to provide to departments if it needs to go through them

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All of Andrews points above are very valid!

One thing we also mentioned when dealing with the Tasmanian Government was that there are NOT hundreds of folks waiting in the wings ready to bulk import the data into OSM. Its more likely that the data will be used for cross checking against other sources and ‘on the ground’ issues. We also pointed out there were strict rules for bulk imports and that they need good community support, documentation and validation before proceeding.

Good luck if dealing with the aerial imagery - that would be great as well but I suspect we are out of luck on that front.

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Andrew & I had a Teams meeting with Mark this morning. Same as all things Govt, he’s not in a position to just say yes, let’s do it, but he was certainly sympathetic to our cause! :thumbsup: He will have further discussions to some of the Departments that have previously been an issue, to determine just what their concerns are. So, :fingers_crossed:, but definitely don’t hold your breath waiting!


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