Агенцията по геодезия, картография и кадастър ползва OSM

OMG! До какво доживяхме!!

Това не е за вярване! Защо ли си го причиняват?! :slight_smile:

We require that you use the credit “© OpenStreetMap contributors”.
Това не го виждам.
Отново лицензът не е зачетен, както и трудът на допринасящите в OSM.
Така ли е наистина?

Няма лошо да го използват. Сайтът е доста приемлив откъм функционалност.

Но със сигурност са длъжни да сложат копирайт инфомрацията на ОСМ долу в ляво! Трябва да им се пише. Чудя се дали като частно лице или по-добре да обърнем внимание на OSMF и те да им пишат по-официално…

Лицензът трябва да се спазва. Пишете и по двата начина.

I’d say this is great, as well as an opportunity! If they use Openstreetmap, then surely they don’t mind if we use their data. This could be a win-win situation: what if we could use the data and map they already made from our taxpayer money for OSM mapping, for instance by making the cadastre map available as a background for OSM editors? Anybody who knows how to make a background available in iD and JOSM? Do we need their permission, or could we just do it? Anybody who knows how to approach them and propose this? Anybody who knows what the copyright status of their data and their map is? There’s probably no better source in Bulgaria for data on building shapes and nature, street names, locality names, etc.

(post deleted by author)

Вече се спазва.

Малко сбутано в ъгъла, но все пак е там! :sunglasses:

It is possible to make these data available by modifying gis software to send specific requests to the server. Would be very useful in rectifying maps and aerial photos and street naming.
In my experience, the agency loves taking money for every single point and going public seems impossible to me :smiley:

I don’t know how to do it, I’m not an IT specialist. Would it be possible to use their public data in some automated way?
Of course they need to have their costs covered by users, that’s only fair. Maybe they would be more interested if they get something in return, for instance mappers flagging possible mistakes in their database. I sometimes find buildings that have a doubtful status, for instance a 3 story villa that is in the database as a Сграда за енергопроизводство… :smiley: