Municipal websites Portugal

for a side project, I had to look up official websites for as much cities as possible.
I also looked up the cities for your country and am attaching the CSV file to this message. Using a script to upload the websites automated was too complex or out of my comfort zone. If someone else would be interested in enriching the metadata for these cities - feel free to do so.
You can find the file for the processed countries (including yours) here:

Here is the code I used:

tldr; Check if Wikipedia has a website in the sidebox of the city page (English version), otherwise check if the obvious candidates exist. I removed domains owned by a known domain squatter or that don’t resolve. If the domain name is too generic, have a quick look at the site first to validate that it’s actually the city site.

If there is no interest, feel free to just ignore this post. I had to look them up anyway and thought it made sense to share them here.

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