Moderator selection criteria

I’m here to ask to NOT allow the #communities:br forum moderation election occur tomorrow like is being to be pushed. It was already asked to have an electoral commission to make things independent and for a date with change of more engagement.

Just minutes ago (so hours before the election) the HOTUSI employee admitted in the description being an employee of HOTUSI. He even admits, different from other moderators, have no experience at all with moderation (so by this aspect alone, by the moderation select criteria, today he might even not be acceptable at all there).

The reason to explicitly ask here in English is if this thing goes ahead without broader discussion (actually even older moderations are not available, not strange considering the time of the year), is 100% granded #communities:brazil election will be contested, regardless of the voting. The date call for feedback is very near the election, the fact no independent commission (the same candidates able to decide how the election will be) and obviously the fact that the non-experienced candidate is related to an organization with recent issues on #communities:latam will jeopardize trust.

The proposal

Wait until better agreement is done on the thread asking about the election for #communities:br. Only 7 days will not be sufficient in our case.