Model railway clubs

After mapping a model railway club a few days ago, I looked around in vain for a page for them, but found nothing, except for a discussion from Germany that agreed that club=model_railway would be the best option:

So I created one!: Tag:club=model_railway - OpenStreetMap Wiki

I hope the model railroaders approve, but as always, all comments, additions or corrections are welcome!


Nice! Thereā€™s one Iā€™m aware of thatā€™s currently just a tourism=attraction, so giving it a more specific tag will be satisfying :smile:

Just to confirm, would you say this tag is applicable when the trains are large enough to sit on? Or only the smaller kind that can be held in oneā€™s hand?

club is fine for clubs (traditionally common in some regions), but it is not a generic tag for miniature railways installations. There are also commercial model railways that are not organized as clubs, but are open to the public (for a fee or for free), either as a standalone attraction, e.g.
or inside a museum e.g. a small one here
I propose to add the length of rails as a property (the latter has 104m of rail, the former, worldā€˜s largest according to their site, has 15400m of tracks.
I think leisure=miniature_railwaymodel_railway could eventually be a good fit for these although use is still a bit limited :wink: leisure=miniature_railway | Tags | OpenStreetMap Taginfo

There are also vending machines that sell the service of running a model train for a minute or so, inside a glass box:

They are currently mapped as Tag:railway=miniature - OpenStreetMap Wiki.

Thanks for making me remember that I was also going to cross-reference both pages to each other!

2 vs 11269 Tag:railway=miniature - OpenStreetMap Wiki ? :thinking:

I think that would be tourist=attraction (that I believe it currently is)

Donā€™t know what youā€™d call those, but no, definitely not a club.

correct, this should have been leisure=model_railway, I updated the paragraph.

IMHO the tag tourism=attraction is not a semantic tag that describes the nature of the thing, more a kind of a placeholder for the feature tag (or to be used additionally) and somehow stating ā€œthis is importantā€