Ist Wikidata eine zulässige Quelle? (abgetrennt aus "Namen im Elsass")

(1) I quoted automatic translation, hopefully it is not too mistaken

(2) following is not a statement from the OSMF

(3) See also Is there support for removing all name tags on objects with a Wikidata QID present? - #4 by Mateusz_Konieczny

As far as I know Wikidata community has no decided either way

  • whether they ignore sui generis database rights - this is entirely legal in USA but makes their dataset problematic in areas where sui generis database rights exist (at least UK and EU)

  • they respect sui generis database rights of datasets protected this way in EU/UK and do not import such datasets and eradicate any such import or additions (both full imports or piece-by-piece copying)

As far as I know they follow the first option - but without documenting it or warning reusers of data.

In addition, Wikidata imported data from Wikipedia which copied location data from OSM and Google and editors were encouraged to do this.

In general Wikidata community relies on USA-style “facts cannot be copyrigted, can be freely copied, no restriction applies - and the same applies to any collection of facts”. Which is not true in EU and UK at least where sui generis database rights exist. They also pretend that this does not make Wikidata licensing status a nasty quagmire in this areas.

There were some discussion that never went anywhere and you can freely import databases protected by sui generis database rights and noone will stop you.

note: this may be outdated, I checked status of their data few years ago. If they decided either way since that time, please link me Wikidata policy on importing or forbidding imports of databases covered by sui generis database rights. I would be glad to learn about any updates on that if they exist.