Is the gmapsupp.img file not available anymore?

I always downloaded and added the gmapsupp.img file to my GPS when I made a map. Now it is not available in the list of files to download when I make a map. Why is this? Is it no longer available or is it just a glitch. I just noticed this happening 2 days ago as that was the first time I tried making a new map in just over 2 months. The only files available to me now are:


Any help is appreciated.

There seems something wrong with the map compilation. Please mail your issue to Lambertus, he probably will not read it here.

Sure thing. Where can I find an e-mail address for Lambertus?

Here is his Profile Page. That contains a link to send an email.
I wonder whether he will react in due time, given the problems we had with the forum the past few months.

You could also use for OSM-based maps for Garmin.


When you request a map you will get an email from him, with a reply address. I can’t guarantee you will get an answer though :confused:

Tried as well. Working right now but will see how it works when I get home. I see that the gmapsupp.img file is there though so that’s encouraging. Thanks again.

Hi -Scorch-

I have the same problem as you, no gmasupp.img file for download.
I just sent a e-mail to Lambert as well, hope we can get som fast help :slight_smile:
I will try for so long…

More choices for Garmin suitable maps on osm wiki.

I’ve found that is working for me. It has the gmapsupp.img file and it works great. Thanks for the site escada.


I am new here and I use OSM maps for my motorcycle trips to Russia, former Russian countries and Mongolia.

Works perfect.

But now I also have the problem, that there is no gmapsupp.img and also no MAC and Windows map in the link.

I tried it 3 times to request the map but nothing.

And I definitely know some other persons, having this problem since 2 weeks.

without this maps it is quite useless.

I tried to reply on the link email, but I do not know if someone reads this, so I hope to find a way to contact Lambertus for this problem.

@klausmong Have you tried one of the other suggested sites (see escada’s suggestion nevw’s link above)?

My question is, if the map postet above has the same good streets an waypoints ( Gas stations, Hotels, Restaurants … ) for these countries and if I can select a map from the region shown in the picture below.

And does it work for Garmin devices and MAC ?

And in the 2nd picture you can see what I need :slight_smile:

That is the region I need on one map

This is what happens when I try that on the link mentioned above

And this is what I like on garmin.osm

And the same region from the link above

Here is what I need in detail

And here the same area from .org

@klausmong Have you tried one of the other suggested sites? There are lots at .

An alternative is to create your own Garmin map. It’s more complicated than just downloading one, but it would give you exactly what you want. See for an example.

As you say it is more complicated.

I definitely need the map for MAC ( using Basecamp ) and the Garmin Device.

I am not an IT specialist nor a software developer.

I need something where I can use this maps for planning on the computer and have the same map on the device.
The same map is definitely important, otherwise it starts routing different way after importing.

And all I need is on the

That is why I would like to use it, hopefully it will work again.

I did look at different sites, but it is to complicated

@klausmong I notice that you want to install on the Mac in addition to your gps.
Many of the download sites at don’t offer a Mac osx install file, but Basecamp will read the gmapsupp.img from your gps. You can also put the .img file on a usb in a Garmin folder and Basecamp will read the map from there too.
It is slower this way though but does allow using more of the providers maps.
Let’s hope Lambertus is able to get his site up and running again soon.

I know this option and that only works when the gps is connected to the MAC.

So that means that I have to plan with a connected gps device.
Which is a bit of an unusefull workaround.

I also work on a Macbook Pro and a macbook air ( which is with me on my travels ) and I share my Garmin basecamp library on dropbox.
And that makes this workaround not easier.

Still I hope that the site from Lambertus will work again…

@klausmong i haven’t tried this but you may be able to produce a mac osx gmap installed file from the .img using this Javawa utility.

Thanks, that is a very usefull tip !!!:cool::cool:

@klausmong i should also mention that Javawa is able to virtualise you gps on your mac so you don’t need to plug the gps in to view the maps.