I need help with importing orthoimagery into JOSM

I’m trying to import the orthoimagery listed here (scroll down to where it says eg “2024 Orthophoto”, etc.) into JOSM, but I’m confused about how to go about doing it. I’m not sure which layer to import, and I’m not sure the exact format the URI is supposed to be in for their orthoimagery. The orthoimagery is under an ArcGIS REST endpoint, however, it doesn’t appear to be the same format as the orthoimagery that I previously posted about here.

I’d really appreciate some help! If you know how to do this, I’d also really appreciate it if you could point to sources for my own future reference.

P.S. @whb, given that you were able to help with this last time, I’ll mention you here in case you know how to do this one as well :blush:.

I was able to figure it out. I found the WMTS GetCapabilities document. I found it by clicking this:

at the top of this page (for example). JOSM’s documentation states that, for WMTS, all it needs is the link to the GetCapabilities document, and it’ll then configure it on its own. Furthermore, the link that I had was for a MapServer (it has Esri documentation here), and under that, it states that it supports WMTS.

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