Navigator FREE is identical to commercially available Navigator 10, but instead of TeleAtlas map data the free version is provided with your OpenStreetMap data, which you are surely proud of. The installation is in two steps: first you download SetupUtility and then you install PC or PDA version and download maps of countries of your selection. After installation you can use Navigator FREE offline and there is no need for further connectivity.
In Czech Republic the users were quite excited so I am wondering why there are no comments “from the world” ;). The conversion algorithms are still in progress (and due to OSM nature probably always will be), but without feedback it is difficult to steer/fix/improve it.
So thanks in advance for any comments
p.s. converted is the whole Europe and many other countries, till the end of this year it will be hopefully whole planet …
After have installed the windows version on my PC I am excited, too !!! Because all the “framework” of your Navigator10 really seems to be very professional. For example to enter the target address: just type the firts characters of any place name and then all possible street names works fantastic because of the realtime search! Very nice!
And turn restrictions really seem to be handled correct.
I will keep on testing your Software on Windows and if I manage to install it on my PDA. More feedback will follow …
PS: I am not realted to mapfactor company in any way so don’t think I am giving here any promotion or something like that. Anyone who has read my post here and there can see that I am just affiliated to any good routing solution with OSM based data. Unfortunately there ist not so much progress with Gosmore, and Navit isn’t easy to configure. So I am quite happy to have discovered the frre version of mapfactor’s Navigator.
Now I managed to install Navigator10 Free on my PDA, this was relatively easy by downloading the cab-file and map-data to a folder on my desktop PC via the setup installer.
Serching for Towns, Places and streets is very very fine!!!
On an eten glofiish M800 all went fine and GPS fix is found at COM5 with 57600 Baud by the automatic GPS port search routine.
But on my PDA with WindowsMobile2003 normally the GPS Signal comes via COM1: at 4800 Baud (e.g. NaviPOWM is working with these parameters). The search function does not find it. Even manual tuning to COM1 or COM3 at 4800 Baud doesn’t work.
So is there any other user with a Windows mobile device like Yakumo Delta 300 also named Medion MD95000 who can try to install and find the GPS signal?
Or any other device with success?
EDIT: After several tries he found the GPS at “Serial Cable on SP2” … very funny because it is really COM1: … But now it seems to work !!!
Worth a try but unfortunately didn’t work for me, it downloaded the files and then just hung. It may be the version of wine that I have but I have too many things going on at the moment to try another distro with a different version. Do you have any plans for a linux version in the future?
From discussion in German forum (which I am unfortunately not able to fully follow) … there was/is an issue related to address search. MapFactor Navigator search is based on administrative levels, so standard search is
select country
select city/town/village (narrow search by typing the begin of the word)
select street
This is an ideal pass. In many cases there is step 2b, if there is more than one town of the same name, or 3b if there are more streets of the same name in the city.
The question is what OSM admin_level should be used in step 2. This is probably country specific - for example
in Czech Republic for step 2 are used admin_level = 7 (district), 8 (city) and 10 (part of city)
[it is rather exception, because the data are probably imported and make sense for the whole country].
What admin_level search would you expect in Germany?
There are many countries (Canada for example) where basically NO admin areas are available :(. For this reason we also added search in “nearby city” (defined by node ‘place’). This may add to confusion in countries, where the administrative hierarchy is well defined. Should that be removed? Note, that this “near rule” does not apply for POIs which are completely based on admin areas only (in current version 10.1.20, it may change in the future).
to get an overview of used boundary lines and relations you can have a look at → OSM-Inspector → View: Boundaries
Unfortunately this view of the inspector is currently only available for Europe.
There you can see which country and all structures down the hierarchy are used and covered for each country. Try unchecking the checkboxes for each level when you zoomed in enough. (but now I see that you cannot display levels > 4 in detail here …)
Can this help?
About the needed admin level for the search funtion I would suggest to set the level where the name of a town or a place is the same when you choose the postal address.
But to find this out, we need some examples about the right level and information whether this level is completed in all wanted countries.
Processing of relation 443174 (‘philippines_osm’) from planet101103.osm failed due to invalid boundary polygon/multipolygon. I will have a look at details what exactly went wrong …
The border was bad, so I used only bounding rectangle (degbox=115.803658,5.105901,127.223494,19.272269). You should see the data tomorrow, after night sync of servers. Please, let me know, if there is any problem … regards Martin
I tried this application and at first it seemed to be like exactly where I was looking for: an free application with free maps to use in our RV to navigate through Europe and find camping sites.
Unfortunately the poi of camping sites (or caravan sites) are not shown and my own set of poi can not be imported.
At the moment the application won’t even start, there seems to be an problem with the france map. I can not uninstall this map by deselecting it in the set up program.
Is there an application to build you own maps, with poi sets, from osm files?
Maybe there is still a conceptual issue about all kinds of POI that are within the OSM data and how they are handeled and displayed in mapfactor Navigator free:
At the moment the app only can display POIs that consist of one single node in the OSM data. When a POI or amenity is an area or a building, it is NOT displayed and not found by the function “show nearest POI”
So we have to ask mapfactor crew whether there is any progress to define a point as a center of an area or building like all the other OSM editors and renderers do to display an icon for an area POI. Can we give more help to mapfactor?
Maybe this is why some camping sites are not displayed and found?
note from Stephan is related to discussion on German forum, that currently only nodes are used for POIs, and the plan is to extend it for ways/relations (to use the center of mass)
I checked what tag is the camping/caravan site and you probably mean tourism=‘camp_site’ and ‘caravan_site’ — they were not converted yet.
The second issue was trivial, so data from planet101201 should already contain these tags.
p.s. it is always very helpful if you can give me some example(s)), thanks
Because of the issue of the application not starting I can’t find an example.
Can you tell me how to update the maps? The update application doesn’t update this maps for me.
I added an caravan_site (as a single node) at my home town, it was not visible in the map 201011230.