There are object types where mappers relatively often add invalid name tag that repeats object type, and it is obvious enough that can be fixed remotely.
I was doing it with some objects, and in some cases it is often combined with very problematic tagging nearby (can link some queries if anyone wants).
But for some objects use of obvious descriptive names is quite popular, to the point that manual fixing cannot keep up AND it is possible to fix it with a bot edit AND other tagging in area is typically fine. Sometimes there are clusters of other objects with descriptive names, but these can be found independently.
And yes “Toilet” can be signed but it does not make it a name, like “Toilet, 2 euro fee” is not a name either. Or sign pointing toward bunker with “Bunker” label is not indicating that bunker has a name Bunker.
Note Is name=Toilet even theorethically valid for amenity=toilets? where it was discussed
See also approved bot edit doing this for viewpoints: Mechanical Edits/Mateusz Konieczny - bot account/remove obvious descriptive names for viewpoints (obvious cases only, not all suspect objects) - OpenStreetMap Wiki
I also noticed that OsmAnd edit plugin is overrepresented in adding such bad pseudonames and tracked down problem to a bad interface design, reported in Focus on feature type, not on POI name in editing plugin to reduce how often people editing with OsmAnd add descriptive names · Issue #18651 · osmandapp/OsmAnd · GitHub to its authors. So far they decided to claim that it is not a problem, I plan to compile some statistics making clear their editor is causing problems in this specific area.
I propose to run automated cleanup for multiple types of objects. In each case it would remove also capitalisation variants - so not only name=toilet but also name=Toilet and name=TOILET). In each case only objects tagged as a single type would be processed.
For example amenity=toilets with name=Toilet but also waterway=waterfall would not be edited as it has an unexpected tag.
Note that this relies on assumption that object tagged like
- amenity=toilets
- name=Toilet
is always case of misusing name tag.
Objects which carry unexpected tags or tags not typical for viewpoints, or note/fixme tags will be skipped. So for example
- man_made=cairn
- amenity=restaurant
- name=Cairn
well not be touched. In theoretical case of restaurant named “Cairn” which is also cairn, such object will not be modified at all.
Cases like
- tourism=viewpoint
- waterway=waterfall
- name=Viewpoint
- tourism=viewpoint
- name=Viewpoint
- note=Actually named “Viewpoint”
would not be edited either as they carry extra unexpected tags.
(Though I do not expect last case to be ever validly tagged…)
Obviously objects with just
would not be edited in this edit (as both object type and name is required).
- tourism=viewpoint
- fee=yes
would be edited. Similarly with other that are expected attributes of viewpoints.
Bot edit would be worldwide, with edits split in parts, edit run separately for each object type. Edits would be repeated in future.
Note: as required by automated edits code of conduct a bot proposal will be also posted on talk mailing list
Comments welcome - both if you see problems with this edit and if you support it (though upvoting also works I guess)
Following types of objects will be included in this edit (initial series was done only for viewpoints)
waterway = waterfall with name waterfall
- only following additional keys are allowed, presence of any other tags will block an automated edit:
- height
- name (tags sarting from
repeat for each object type listed here) - source
- created_by
- layer
- is_in
- url
- mapillary
- check_date
- survey:date
- is_in:country
- is_in:state
- only following additional keys are allowed, presence of any other tags will block an automated edit:
amenity = bench with name bench
- only following additional keys are allowed, presence of any other tags will block an automated edit:
- backrest
- material
- surface
- seats
- capacity
- ele
- colour
- inscription
- access
- name
- source
- created_by
- layer
- is_in
- url
- mapillary
- check_date
- survey:date
- is_in:country
- is_in:state
- only following additional keys are allowed, presence of any other tags will block an automated edit:
leisure = playground with name playground
- only following additional keys are allowed, presence of any other tags will block an automated edit:
- surface
- access
- max_age
- min_age
- playground:theme
- name
- source
- created_by
- layer
- is_in
- url
- mapillary
- check_date
- survey:date
- is_in:country
- is_in:state
- only following additional keys are allowed, presence of any other tags will block an automated edit:
tourism = viewpoint with names viewpoint, punkt widokowy (“punkt widokowy” is in Polish)
- only following additional keys are allowed, presence of any other tags will block an automated edit:
- direction
- ele
- wheelchair
- opening_hours
- area
- name
- source
- created_by
- layer
- is_in
- url
- mapillary
- check_date
- survey:date
- is_in:country
- is_in:state
- only following additional keys are allowed, presence of any other tags will block an automated edit:
man_made = cairn with name cairn
- only following additional keys are allowed, presence of any other tags will block an automated edit:
- ele
- name
- source
- created_by
- layer
- is_in
- url
- mapillary
- check_date
- survey:date
- is_in:country
- is_in:state
- only following additional keys are allowed, presence of any other tags will block an automated edit:
military = bunker with name bunker
- only following additional keys are allowed, presence of any other tags will block an automated edit:
- ruins
- building
- abandoned
- disused
- bunker_type
- historic
- name
- source
- created_by
- layer
- is_in
- url
- mapillary
- check_date
- survey:date
- is_in:country
- is_in:state
- only following additional keys are allowed, presence of any other tags will block an automated edit:
amenity = drinking_water with names drinking water, water, potable water
- only following additional keys are allowed, presence of any other tags will block an automated edit:
- ele
- fee
- access
- drinking_water
- bottle
- owner
- cold_water
- operator
- indoor
- covered
- lit
- wheelchair
- name
- source
- created_by
- layer
- is_in
- url
- mapillary
- check_date
- survey:date
- is_in:country
- is_in:state
- only following additional keys are allowed, presence of any other tags will block an automated edit:
tourism = camp_site with names camp site, campsite
- only following additional keys are allowed, presence of any other tags will block an automated edit:
- water_source
- capacity:tents
- capacity:caravans
- caravans
- tents
- charge
- drinking_water
- fee
- payment:cash
- payment:contactless
- payment:credit_cards
- power_supply
- shower
- toilets
- name
- source
- created_by
- layer
- is_in
- url
- mapillary
- check_date
- survey:date
- is_in:country
- is_in:state
- only following additional keys are allowed, presence of any other tags will block an automated edit:
landuse = quarry with name quarry
- only following additional keys are allowed, presence of any other tags will block an automated edit:
- resource
- mineral
- name
- source
- created_by
- layer
- is_in
- url
- mapillary
- check_date
- survey:date
- is_in:country
- is_in:state
- only following additional keys are allowed, presence of any other tags will block an automated edit:
natural = beach with names beach, plaża (“plaża” is in Polish)
- only following additional keys are allowed, presence of any other tags will block an automated edit:
- surface
- access
- lifeguard
- supervised
- fee
- operator
- name
- source
- created_by
- layer
- is_in
- url
- mapillary
- check_date
- survey:date
- is_in:country
- is_in:state
- only following additional keys are allowed, presence of any other tags will block an automated edit:
amenity = post_box with names post box, collection box, mailbox, letter box, drop box
- only following additional keys are allowed, presence of any other tags will block an automated edit:
- operator
- operator:short
- operator:type
- operator:wikidata
- operator:wikipedia
- drive_through
- collection_times
- royal_cypher
- royal_cypher:wikidata
- ref
- collection_times:signed
- post_box:type
- brand
- brand:wikidata
- brand:wikipedia
- name
- source
- created_by
- layer
- is_in
- url
- mapillary
- check_date
- survey:date
- is_in:country
- is_in:state
- only following additional keys are allowed, presence of any other tags will block an automated edit:
landuse = grass with name grass
- only following additional keys are allowed, presence of any other tags will block an automated edit:
- name
- source
- created_by
- layer
- is_in
- url
- mapillary
- check_date
- survey:date
- is_in:country
- is_in:state
- only following additional keys are allowed, presence of any other tags will block an automated edit:
amenity = toilets with names toilet, toilets, toalety, toaleta, wc (toalety, toaleta - that is in Polish, not English)
- only following additional keys are allowed, presence of any other tags will block an automated edit:
- fee
- operational_status
- operator
- operator:type
- wheelchair
- check_date
- toilets:handwashing
- toilets:position
- toilets:disposal
- unisex
- male
- female
- charge
- currency:RUB
- opening_hours
- toilets:wheelchair
- changing_table
- flood_prone
- indoor
- access
- lit
- toilets:access
- toilets:num_chambers
- source:form
- handwashing
- wheelchair:description
- gender
- level
- supervised
- lit
- addr:city
- addr:town
- addr:place
- addr:street
- addr:housenumber
- addr:postcode
- addr:unit
- addr:state
- phone
- contact:phone
- addr:country
- addr:suburb
- addr:county
- addr:district
- addr:community
- addr:subcounty
- addr:village
- addr:parish
- addr:district
- addr:settlement
- addr:zone
- addr:clan
- addr:ward
- addr:block
- addr:full
- addr:neighbourhood
- addr:district
- addr:subcamp
- name
- source
- created_by
- layer
- is_in
- url
- mapillary
- check_date
- survey:date
- is_in:country
- is_in:state
- only following additional keys are allowed, presence of any other tags will block an automated edit:
amenity = parking with name parking
- only following additional keys are allowed, presence of any other tags will block an automated edit:
- parking
- access
- surface
- fee
- hgv
- lit
- maxstay
- smoothness
- supervised
- phone
- website
- capacity
- addr:city
- addr:town
- addr:place
- addr:street
- addr:housenumber
- addr:postcode
- addr:unit
- addr:state
- phone
- contact:phone
- addr:country
- addr:suburb
- addr:county
- addr:district
- addr:community
- addr:subcounty
- addr:village
- addr:parish
- addr:district
- addr:settlement
- addr:zone
- addr:clan
- addr:ward
- addr:block
- addr:full
- addr:neighbourhood
- addr:district
- addr:subcamp
- name
- source
- created_by
- layer
- is_in
- url
- mapillary
- check_date
- survey:date
- is_in:country
- is_in:state
- only following additional keys are allowed, presence of any other tags will block an automated edit: