Back button does not work in-thread

Iā€™ve no idea whether this is a bug or supposed to be a feature, but when I

I canā€™t, presumably because Discourse has consumed the link internally and not treated it as a normal web link.

Edit: Interestingly, in a different thread (clicking the blue link above, for example) this bug is not present.


Yes this appears to be a problem with all ā€œin-topic linksā€ - I have experienced that in another thread as well. If you click a link to another post within the same topic you cannot use the browser ā€œpage backā€ button to return to your start post (most probably because you are still on the same page).

  • If you opened the very topic on a new tab the ā€œpage backā€ button will remain inactive.
  • If you opended the topic within the same tab (by clicking a topic in one of the topic lists for instance) the ā€œpage backā€ button will immediately bring you back to the page or list where you came from.

I donā€™t know if you can call this a bug - I think it is annoying if you want to follow in-topic links in a very long topic - but at least one can see some reason for it (1 topic = 1 page).

This looks like an upstream bug/feature to report:

Is this working differently now that we run Discourse 3.1?

No, still the same as before. You cannot use the browers ā€œpage backā€ button when the link you opened is within the same topic (for the browser the same page).

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Dont know if same but if the back button does not work in my Vivaldi browser I hit the back history.