Apparent undiscussed import in Cameroon?


As per #GEOSM/MINHDU2023 import in Cameroon?, there is currently an apparent undiscussed import currently underway in Cameroon.

Is anybody here aware of it being discussed?

It appears to be linked to a Government department, so may well be official, but the editing being done so far is mostly of extremely poor quality.

Myself, & a number of other mappers, have attempted to reach some of the editors by Changeset Comments & / or direct messages but no response so far, so the next step is to actually block them from editing.

If anybody knows what is going on, please respond urgently!


Graeme Fitzpatrick

OSMF Data Working Group

Response now received from one of their supervisors involved, who has apologised for the quality of the work & advised that they have stopped mapping effective yesterday to sort out the problems.


Hello my name is MODO EN one of the trainer and supervisor on the MINDHU project so yes we have for the moment suspended the sending of data and we are trying to reassure ourselves of the training of learners, For the most part they are beginners and we will strengthen the understanding on how to map with the tools of the Wiki and the help of cartographers of Cameroon

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We will be really happy to benefit from all your advice to improve us and also improve the quality of the data that our learners will send