Alpinist routes marked as footpaths

Look here, Node: ‪30a‬ (‪11128572586‬) | OpenStreetMap for an example, where the guidepost says nothing. I even found a faded blaze here Node: 11128579380 | OpenStreetMap

In my local area, Strava users not like you suggest, they go even more demanding paths.

I wanted to tell you, to contact CAI about that path. I did once complain to the local club in Austria about bad marking, and they said, they abandoned the trail and are actively working on getting it out of tourist maps.

PS: There is a long topic on pathless routes. Have a tag to denote fictional “pathless paths” that exist only for routing purposes? From my experience, sometimes I am better off by NOT following them too closely. After all, the “path” might be just a single persons take on the terrain, different from mine.