After downloading JOSM, a network error occurred

After downloading JOSM, a network error occurred. The error prompt is shown in the figure below. I don't know what caused it. I hope to get help.Thanks!


Could you upload a higher resolution image? Or copy the text of the error message?

It is possible that Java has old or incorrect network settings (eg: proxy)

I have no clue what country you are in, but if you are in China (mainland) and JOSM is having issues connecting with OSM, you might be running afoul of the firewall.

See May I ask why my osm layer is black, and I can't download the layer from osm and users: China - OpenStreetMap Community

Beyond that, we would need either a higher resolution image or copied text (copied text would be better, since we could then throw it through a machine translation engine).

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I’m not sure where you are trying to access OSM from, but I have heard reports of people in China seeing “network issues” like this.

(just a guess at this stage, for the reasons that Firefishy mentioned)

Edit: Oops! I see that that has already been mentioned. That’ll be my fault for typing so slowly…

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According to this test service, it seems that and all subdomains are blocked in China:
China Firewall Test


JOSM 试图访问下列资原:
download.png in josm/trunk/nodist/images – JOSM ?format=raw
• https://new.666119 xyz/link/425d6ed3725b82b?clash=1您是否要更改代理设置?
Thank you very much

I am in China
JOSM 试图访问下列资原: ?format=raw
• https://new.666119 xyz/link/425d6ed3725b82b?clash=1您是否要更改代理设置?
Thank you very much

Your government is apparently censoring and blocking access to

You may need to bypass government censorship, from my understanding VPN is a typical solution - so you may need to configure JOSM to also use it, like you are accessing forum.

Maybe it is discussed already in users: China - OpenStreetMap Community

(note: while bypassing such government censorship is a good thing, it is very likely currently illegal in China)

it seems at the moment they forgot to block “” so you could download JOSM.