Youth / Adult "club" tagging? (list)

There are many clubs in the United Kingdom that have inconsistent tagging on OSM, I aim to use this thread to bring them into focus and see if :

  1. There is an agreed set of tags for each club

  2. If those agreed tags can and should be used as presets on the Name Suggestion Index (NSI)

Presently the only club on the NSI labelled as operating in Great Britain is the “The Scout Association” (NSI link) although it is not clear to me what this means so I shall distinguish between “scout” type groups and non-“scout” groups in this list.

  1. The Scout Association (Wikipedia)
  • Squirrels
  • Beavers
  • Cubs
  • Scouts
  • Explorer Scouts
  • Scout Network
  • Air Scouts
  • Sea Scouts
  1. Select Non-scout Youth Clubs (Wikipedia Catagory)
  • Army Cadet Force
  • RAF Air Cadets
    • Air Training Corps (part of RAFAC)
    • Combined Cadet Force (part of RAFAC)
  • Girlguiding
  • Police Cadets
  • Sea Cadets
  • St John Ambulance Cadets
  1. Adult clubs

Some of these clubs may not be suitable for the NSI as they are not “brands” for example “Working men’s club” is listed as both a leisure and amenity social_club , however it might be agreed that it should still appear as a preset on an element geo-restricted to the UK or GB (whether this is done by the NSI or some other part of OSM perhaps someone could explain).

I welcome any feedback as to my approach or for any additions to this list, where a club has numerous locations across the country.

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Unless the UK is very different to Australia, then the Army Reserve is not a “Club”, it’s a Military unit, so should be tagged as such: Tag:military=base - OpenStreetMap Wiki

I mention it also because many military cadet units are based inside Army Reserve Centres, which are inconsistently mapped & many unmapped in the UK

Using Overpass Turbo I’ve just found these Cadet units tagged as military=base … Way: ‪Air Cadets‬ (‪554944852‬) | OpenStreetMap
Way: ‪1350 Sqn ATC‬ (‪1313680846‬) | OpenStreetMap
Way: 1148817663 | OpenStreetMap
Way: ‪Army Cadet Force, Stoke Detachment‬ (‪1174464132‬) | OpenStreetMap

This Army Reserve Centre tagged as military=barracks

Which includes a building tagged as cadet=army (no detatchment name)

This Army Cadet detachment tagged as military=barracks & a surrounding landuse=military

I could go on to find more oddities, but in the meantime I hope this shows why the Army Reserve should be included in a list of places to re-consider the tagging of.

For example, should all Army Reserve Centres map 1 to 1 as a landuse=military military=base with their corresponding Centre listed on , if not, why not? Should they have a brand or operator tag with the Army Reserve Wikidata Army Reserve - Wikidata ?

Yep, there are undoubtedly lots of old features still to be updated, but this tagging was all pretty well sorted out, after extensive discussion!, a few years ago.

Cadets: Tag:club=cadet - OpenStreetMap Wiki + Tag:cadet=military - OpenStreetMap Wiki

Where the cadet group occupies it’s own exclusive building, draw an area around that building, and tag it as:
building=yes + club=cadet + cadet=military + military_service=*.

“As cadets are not usually considered part of a country’s military, their buildings should not be tagged as landuse=military, military=base, military=barracks or similar. On those occasions when a cadet building is located on the grounds of an active military establishment, it will however, still be included inside that area’s landuse=military.”

Army Reserve:
Tag:landuse=military - OpenStreetMap Wiki + Tag:military=base - OpenStreetMap Wiki + Key:military_service - OpenStreetMap Wiki + Tag:military_service=army - OpenStreetMap Wiki

" The tag military_service=army is added to military establishments and facilities to indicate that they are operated by the Army, a country’s land-based military force. It is to be used for all Army units, be they Regular, full-time forces, or part-time, volunteer Reserve forces."

Details could be updated, but as per above, nothing actually wrong with either of those.

Originally mapped 5 years ago so needs to be updated.

Not using that site as it’s Copyright! (Unless we already have a waiver for it, or you can get one? I can tell you though, having been through that exercise, please don’t hold your breath waiting! :cry:)

As above, yep

Please feel free to start a discussion regarding re-doing military tagging, but I think you’ll find that the reply from most people will be that it’s already done.

If you do, though, please don’t try to label Army Reserve bases as “clubs”! If you do, you’ll have a lot of part-time soldiers very cheesed-off & unhappy with you! :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :unamused: