For Rehhübel I would prefer the German version since it has some content while the English version is very short.
In my opinion links in Germany should point to the de or en Wikipedia if an informative article exists in one of these languages. Other languages make less sense.
Personally I’m happy to navigate the language versions in Wikipedia, but I’m not so sure if every user finds the links. That’s why when adding new links I would prefer links to de if the article is reasonable.
I’ve checked a random sample of non-de links in Berlin and these were all en and all on objects with at least some relevance to international visitors. I wouldn’t go and change the links to de just for the sake of it.
Therefore I wouldn’t bother with changing en to de.
If there are links to other languages than de or enand a reasonable article in de or en exists, those might be candidates to change. How many of those links are there? A report for manual review is always welcome I guess.
Yes, at least if the article is much longer or, in larger parts, more recent, then the English one.
For this example, and maybe all Germany-specific topics, the German article should be preferend, espeially, if the English artile is mutch shorter as in this example.
In my opinion no. German Wikipedia has many outdated or only emergency-mainained articles now. In addition, many parts of other article are splitted to become a new article, but this leaves unfixed holes in the old, splitted article and the new one lacks additional information, because of the, in many times, limited focus of the splitted part.
I use the English Wikipedia in most times now, as of the outdated information. German wikipedia admins deleted and censored most active editors away since years.