Why my edits aren't showing on OPS?

Yesterday, i was editing and fixing my city, when i saved it, i knew i would have to wait for the system to render them, i waited minutes, hours, and nothing, they only show in the maximum level of zoom. what i can do to fix it?

Can you explain what you mean by OPS?

If you link to an object you edited someone might be able to take a look.

It maybe that some mappers think some of the things you’ve edited are incorrect and may have amended them. Please see all of the comments to your changesets here:- https://www.openstreetmap.org/user/alonso%20map/history#map=10/-36.5107/-71.6281&layers=N
It looks like there have been some reversions or amendments. If this is what causes your editing not to show the best way forward might be to respond to the people making the comments.