Why is street complete not asking for street numbers?

I have noticed that some neighborhoods don’t have anything to do in Street complete. However, the houses in question are missing street numbers and and aren’t even tagged as houses.

Is there a way to make Street complete show the houses as needing street numbers? For reference the building outline comes from microsoft/BuildingFootprints

StreetComplete now has a building “overlay” layer that can be used to colour code the building type. Once a building type has been determined I think it still asks for house number/name but it will not ask for house number until building type has been determined. There is also a dedicated address layer accessible through the same layer menu which can be used to add addresses where no buildings have been traced yet. The button to select overlay layer is next to the hambuger menu button into he top right and looks like a sideways diamond over its shadow until a layer is selected at which point it gets an icon related to the layer shown.

If you would like StreetComplete to ask about building type as a quest this can be turned on in: Hamburger menu > settings > Quest selection and priority. You will then either need to scroll until you find it or simply search for “building” and tick the box next to “what kind of building is this?”.


Just to be clear, are you saying that the building data orginally came from microsoft and is now in the OSM database? If so then all that @InsertUser said applies, in particular about identifying the type of building.

If you meant that the microsoft data is not yet in OSM, it would need to be added through a different tool than StreetComplete.

If you’re still having trouble after reading the above, a screenshot of the area might help.

Yes, StreetComplete will only ask for addresses after building type is known (in order to not ask for housenumbers for garages, sheds, etc.) - see SC FAQ: Only eligible quests are shown

So your options are:

  • Use “Address Overlay” (second icon from the right on the top of the screen) to enter house numbers / street addresses by clicking on them,


  • Go to main menu → SettingsQuest selction and display order and make sure that “What kind of building is this?” quest is enabled in addition to “What’s the house number of this building?” and “What street is this on?” quests, and then answer the building type quests followed by housenumber / street quests.

(I usually prefer the latter, as it pops up automatically in places where building types / addresses are missing; as opposed to the former where you have to look for them. Of course, overlay has an advantage that it is able to fix incorrectly entered or changed housenumbers)

Have fun mapping!