Why is emergency_access_point tag not visible at zoom 19?

The tag: emergency_access_point does not seem to be visible on OSM for general (not logged-in/editing) users, even at the highest zoom level - 19. How can I get it to show?

The use of these tags is explained here:

I am in the USA. They are positioned at points on back country trails so that Fire and Rescue can know for sure where someone is located. The use on OSM is to plot the emergency_access_point on the map so that the ‘hiker’ (or someone in their party) can make their way to it to coordinate rescue.

In our use they are in sparsely used areas so there is not much map clutter - mostly just the trail and water bodies, but the intent was that they would only be visible at higher zoom levels.

How can I get these to show?
Or, how can I move a request forward to allow the designated tag to show to the general public who are using the trail maps without being logged in?


Hi, there is already a suggestion on the carto issue tracker to add those icons.

So hopefully in the future these objects are added to the map.

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Thanks - I was not aware of that Forum.

I don’t see any movement on that for well over a year. Do you know what the etiquette is for entering that discussion? Does one cross post from here, or start from scratch?

Which map are you using? I presume that it’s not the “standard” layer on openstreetmap.org, because that’s not very suitable as a hiking map.

Here is a special emergency map, but this seems to work in germany only.

Yes, it is the Standard layer.
This use case is multi-purpose: hikers and emergency responders and volunteer support by car.
The town trials and paths are already ‘published’ and referenced using the broadest known Standard layer, so I am trying to get these markers mapped so they will show for all users - but only when zoomed in.

(Our area has a high proportion forest cover, so although these paths and trails are not far from roads one can be easily disoriented (search) or injured out of sight (rescue)).


That is the idea. I can add the markers to the Standard layer and tag them but they are blocked from showing.

I am trying to find out the procedure for getting them white-listed (if that is the right term).

to translate my post you can use the globe-button

Die Standardkarte osm-carto kann nicht alles anzeigen, was an Geo-Daten erfasst wurde. Das wĂ€re viel zu viel und die Karte wĂŒrde unĂŒbersichtlich umd total ĂŒberladen.

Was Du brauchst ist eine Spezialkarte, die Dir genau das anzeigt, was Du fĂŒr Deine Anwendung benötigst.

FĂŒr den Wanderer mit einem Smartphone kann man die App OSMAnd empfehlen, die bietet unter anderem die Optionen, Wanderkarten anzuzeigen und Rettungspunkte einzublenden.

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It’s completely independant.

You can also use a custom query to display the emergency points.

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Thanks - that seems to be a sensible idea. I’ll look into promoting one of the hiking maps as the base map. I’ll look at the app, but there is a desire to use the phone’s native web browser as a preference to avoid the whole app and update issue. That works for this region as we are in full cell coverage.

I am not sure I am convinced that including emergency_access_point visibility at zoom 19 would overload the display as they only would be used in rural areas with a low density of geo-data. The OSM gatekeepers seem to be happy to display ‘waste baskets’ [amenity:waste_basket] in crowded city center displays OpenStreetMap at high zoom.

Thanks for your suggestion.
Unfortunately on a quick survey of hiking projects that are available for this region, none of the hiking maps are more suitable than the Standard layer.

The use of previously downloaded tiles, maps or apps is outside this project’s spec where map and location access is wanted to be ‘on demand’.

Beschreibe mal das Projekt nÀher. Ist das eine Webseite, die z. B. von der Stadt oder Region (Verwaltung) betrieben wird? Oder von den örtlichen Rettungsdiensten?

Es gibt auch noch die Möglichkeit die Standardkarte nur als Hintergrund zu verwenden und die Rettungspunkte als separaten Layer darĂŒber zu legen. uMap wĂ€re da eine Möglichkeit, die Experten kennen bestimmt noch mehr Lösungen.

Emergency Map is working in DACH - Germany (DE), Austria (AT) and Switzerland (CH)

Currently no updates because of technical problems. Will be fixed soon.


The plotting will be done by, or for, the local emergency services - and there is no problem adding this tag to OSM.

The users will be the general public who are already familiar with OSM Standard layer from other promotions. Hence the desire to white-list this tag on the Standard layer at high zoom.

Thanks for your interest.

Emergency Map has been fixed: https://wambachers-osm.website/Emergency.html


The Devidin had put an authentic answer . I like the way they are giving us support.