Why did not shown the name of oceans and so on?

In the OSM renderer the name of oceans like “Atlantik” or “Gulf of …” (Gulf of America - Gulf of Mexico - #29 by Jules_Bertholet) did not shown in any scale. Google shows it like country names.
I think it’s important to know how it was named if I search something.

And please don’t come with something like render engine and use an other one. It schould be visible in normaly used ones.


The reason is exactly that the standard layer on openstreetmap.org chooses to not render the names, so there’s no other possible answer…

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so change the settings for the standard layer. There is no reason to hide this information if it available

Feel free to create an issue in their github repo: GitHub · Where software is built

The data is available in OSM, but OSM Carto decided not to show it as @habi already said. Other renders do: layers.openstreetmap.fr - Tuiles pour contrôle de données / Tile service with dataa checks

What is the name of the Mediterranean sea? And in what language should it be displayed?

Oceans and seas are international bodies of water that usually do not have a name that is agreed upon by all countries/languages living in or around that body of water. Carto does not render everything in a single language, but rather uses the local language. This creates issues when talking about the names of things like continents, oceans, and other such features.


Yes, full approval. This is precisely the task that can possibly only be achieved by vector tiles, which display the appropriate language for an object depending on the browser language and location.
Two examples:


I hate Github and did not use it. Every time the have a new login. It’s not an atombic reactor. It’s a database for simple code.

And what language? Really? Take english like for countries and cities.

Your own screenshot above shows that the standard layer does not use English for countries and cities. (Except for English-speaking countries, of course).